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Presents! [Open] - Printable Version

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Presents! [Open] - Volfetti - 09.Nov.12

Volfetti smiled as she opened the door to the creche, a basket of assorted items tucked under her arm. There were a few people inside minding the collection of children whilst the Weyr paused for lunch, she nodded to dark-skinned woman that was nearby playing with a toddler. "Hey Lym, grab some lunch, I can take over for you." She offered, crouching down to tickle the toddler's nose as the woman thanked her and left. While people were rostered onto different chores constantly, there were always regulars in the creche, including Volfetti.

It didn't take her long to find her own son, Benden, crawling all over a worn wooden playset. Walking over she sat down cross legged beside him, watching contentedly until he noticed her. "Mumma!" He squealed, waddling over to her excitedly. Volfetti couldn't have kept the grin from her face even if she'd wanted to, scooping him up for a big cuddle.

"Hey Benden! Look, Dadda gave us a present." She put her son down and shifted the basket closer, laughing as he squealed with excitement and danced on the spot. R'nd had been giving Volfetti what he called care packages since she had approached him about their child, something that got Benden excited every time without fail. Volfetti appreciated the gesture, even if R'nd was a little awkward and lacked knowledge about raising a child it showed that he was trying. If from afar.

Undoing the ribbon around it Volfetti peered inside curiously, wondering what was in the basket this time. There were a few wooden toys on top, one of which was a colourful rattle that Benden snatched up immediately and shook furiously with glee. Volfetti giggled, leaning to one side to avoid the flailing toy. Taking the other toys she continued to look through, it was a smaller basket this time, but it included a large swath of cloth at the bottom, something Volfetti desperately needed. It was Volfetti's most used item, doubling as a blanket and a wrap to carry Benden in. The last one she had Benden had managed to rip apart in a fit, though how he had managed it she wasn't exactly sure.

She held it up before the toddler. "Now you're not allowed to ruin this one, mister." Her voice was stern and her face straight, but she cracked into a grin within seconds as Benden stared at the fabric before turning away to continue shaking the rattle.

Come play! Bring an NPC kid along (or your own :P) if you feel like it, or you can play with Benden :) He's almost a year and a half old now so he likes to crawl and stomp about shouting his few words he knows xD

Re: Presents! [Open] - S'jin - 10.Nov.12

Seijin having finished the first candidate lesson  earlier decided to visit the creche and see the kids. He loved watching the children sometimes not all the time of course he wasn't very good when they started to cry. Like most men that he knew it always made him nervous to have a crying child on his hands. But other then that the children were fun. But this was one of the more pleasant chores on the rooster that was for sure.

He walked inside and saw Benden with a lady by him.  He was guessing that the lady was the boys mother. He smiled and nodded to the Mother. who he had not meet yet officially but he probably seen her around a time or two.  He smiled softly when he heard the rattle shaking and knelt down to the boy's level  and spoke quietly to the boy. " I see someone got a new toy, may I see it? It sound really cool. Would you show me how it works?" 

Re: Presents! [Open] - R'nd - 10.Nov.12

R’nd’s morning had been filled with the usual activities, including dropping off the bundle for Volfetti. It was something he had done from the start, thinking it would help better than his bumbling would, and he would likely continue to do so until Volfetti or even Benden told him to stop. He was getting a little bit better around the young boy though R’nd had taken to visiting the crèche in short and random timed visits, usually when he knew Volfetti wouldn’t be there. He liked her but he always felt like he was being judged and it added more pressure to be perfect with Benden. R’nd liked to believe it helped his parenting skills and maybe even his kid liked those visits even with how short and spread out they could be.

Today, however, he knew Volfetti was headed over to the crèche to see their child since she had received one of the care packages. Curious about their reactions, R’nd had decided to follow a few minutes after Volfetti had already arrived. He quietly snuck to the doorway of the room and peeked in, spotting them easily – it was always hard for R’nd to miss a pretty woman in the room – but also Benden’s giggle guided him. An eyebrow quirked when his gaze landed on the pair and R’nd realised someone else was there with them. It didn’t take long to identify the young man as Seijin, one of the Candidates that had arrived over two turns ago. It was good to see Volfetti making new friends and that boy seemed nice enough.

When Benden looked up and seemed to have spotted him when a smile started to light up the chubby face, R’nd returned the smile. He also made sure he wasn’t ratted out for lurking about and quickly put his finger to his lips to indicate this was a secret. It was something he taught his son a little while ago, mostly for when they had their visits or he snuck Benden something they both knew he wasn’t supposed to have. Benden was his son, though! How was R’nd expected to not give the boy delicious treats when his mother wasn’t around to intervene?

Satisfied his appearance there would stay a secret, R’nd stepped back from the door and went back to his routine for the day.

Re: Presents! [Open] - B'jin - 10.Nov.12

Amorandii spent a lot of time in the Creche, though she had never really minded it. Her mother wasn't really one of those women who liked children. She had babies because it was part of the parcel of being a member of Katila, and having a womb. She didn't do it because she wanted them, or was any good at it. Amorandii didn't really understand any of that, only that her mummy was too busy to keep her and that Creche was where she was happier. Well, when the choice was mummy or creche, the answer was creche. When the choice had an option of Daddy, well - there was no question at all! Daddy was the one to go with.

Unfortunately, Daddy had been signed up to 'baby-sit by that -- oh hi Andii' which she didn't entirely understand, either, but Daddy wasn't happy about it and that was enough for Amorandii to know he'd rather be spending time with her than with the kids he was apparently babysitting. As a result, Amorandii hadn't complained too heavily when B'jin had dropped her off at Creche that morning so he could teach his class. He was due to pick her up this evening, because classes had finished before lunch, and she was staying wtih him that night. Anxious to be picked up and do interesting things (like play with her own toys) Amorandii had taken to peering listlessly out the window.

When Volfetti had arrived and sent Lymsleia on her way, the girl had turned to watch her with intrigued curiosity as the woman carried a package over to near where her son was playing. Amorandii knew Volfetti - she was often at the Creche - and she knew that the little boy's daddy was R'nd. She figured that meant they were siblings of some description, though she hadn't actually said as much to any of the adults; Daddy and Volfetti didn't seem to like each other very much and their interaction was always very tense - even Amorandii could pick up on it! It was like watching her brothers' when Ayyonth was around! All nerves and jittery and waiting for the other to eat them.

While she was watching them, Amorandii saw Benden's gaze focus on something over his mother's shoulder. Following the child's cheerful gaze to the only thing that could spark it, Amorandii watched as R'nd peeked in through the door; that wasn't really uncommon. He didn't like the creche and often didn't actively come in or stay for long. But between the time, Volfetti being in the room, and the way R'nd tried to duck out of sight once more, Amorandii decided with a girlish squeal that he was there to collect her. It wasn't something that occurred regularly, and he never hung around long after dropping her off, but it wouldn't be the first time he'd been there to collect her.

"Uncle Ore....wind?" Amorandii's excited squeal fell off as the bluerider vanished, the six year old running across the room to peer through the door with wide blue eyes. Where was he going? He was leaving without her! A worried frown pulled Amorandii's brows together and she hesitated for a moment before pelting down the hall in a flurry of skirts to throw herself at the back or R'nd's legs, wrapping her arms around him tightly and 'oof'ing from the sudden halt.

"Didn't you come to get me?" She let go, convinced he had stopped, and stepped around to look up at him with wide sad eyes and an unhappy pout. Whether B'jin had learned it from Amorandii or Amorandii had learned it from B'jin was debatable, but it was obviously a family trademark. "Daddy is late."

Andi's profile

Re: Presents! [Open] - Volfetti - 10.Nov.12

When Seijin approached Volfetti didn't notice at first, there were always men and women bustling about trying to keep mayhem from breaking out within the creche. Busy packing the new blanket back into the basket, she made note that she would have to return it to R'nd soon, she only looked up when she heard the distinct crack of wood on bone. She quickly checked over Benden with a sweep of her eyes, he was grinning and laughing like he'd stolen candy with not a sign of tears about. It was then she saw Seijin and connected the dots; Benden's toy, his skull.

"Oh my god I am so sorry! Benden!" She glared at the toddler, snatching the toy off him and holding it threateningly. "You do not hit people. No." She pulled the rattle back as Benden reached out for it, still glaring at his toothy grin. Realizing he wasn't going to get the rattle back straight away a great frown formed on his face, it was quite comical really. "Say sorry." She said firmly.

"No." Came the grumpy reply. Volfetti sighed, Iriya had been nowhere near as stubborn or brutish as Benden was.

"Benden, say you're sorry. Now." She repeated. Benden gave a little pout and said nothing. This went on for a minute or so before the child eventually relented and said sorry. To Volfetti.

Pursing her lips she turned to Seijin. "I'm so sorry, he's a bit enthusiastic at times... Are you alright? Where did he get you?" Her mother mode still kicked in, she leaned forward and peered at the younger man's forehead, hoping there wouldn't be a bruise there already. "Oh! Where are my manners. I don't think we've actually spoken before, I'm Volfetti. You're... Seyin?" She fumbled for his name. Even though he'd been in the Weyr for two turns, Volfetti had only spent a few months in Candidacy with him, having stepped out from the 231 AL clutch and refused to stand in any since.

While his mother did damage control for his enthusiastic head-bopping, Benden looked around rather poutily. He wanted his rattle back! As he was looking around he spotted R'nd standing in the doorway. The pout instantly faded as a wide grin took its place. They didn't spend a lot of time together, nowhere near as much as he did his mother, but the recognition was instant. He was the bringer of toys and treats! Benden was about to let out a shrill squeal when R'nd held a finger to his mouth. Boisterous and stubborn to a tee, Benden was also clever. He mimicked his father, bouncing on the spot as he held up a finger to his own mouth. When R'nd left Benden dropped his hand, his eyes falling on a collection of blocks that had been in the basket. Happy to have another toy he quickly began stacking the on top of each other.

You can decide how hard Benden whacked him with the rattle XD

Re: Presents! [Open] - S'jin - 11.Nov.12

Seijin couldn't help letting out a soft yelp as the wooden rattle connected with his forehead. He pulled back to avoid a second whack in the head. "ouch, well that was a silly thing to do put my head in the way of the kids toy. " He chuckled softly.  His eyes watered softly at the force of the blow since he hadn't been expecting it.

He heard the mother start to speak to the child and then ask if he was ok. He was still kneeling on the floor not having got up as she looked at his forehead.  He nodded and winched and wish he didn't nod. "I'm ok really, Just got surprised is all and probably a bump to go with it.  I guess lil bit took me  at my word when I said I wanted to see the toy.  Just didn't mean  at so close a range. I got a hard head though he just got me on the forehead. Hurt like the blazes but at least it wasn't the nose now that would not of been pretty. "

"Nice to meet you  Volfetti, You were very close its Seijin." He replied softly " It was nice to meet Benden as well not so much the toy though. " He grinned softly. " One of these days I guess I'll have to remember that these children can do things that i'm not prepared for. "

Re: Presents! [Open] - R'nd - 12.Nov.12

R’nd hadn’t thought to keep a look out for Amorandii. He was still getting used to the girl since they didn’t spend too much time around each other and he didn’t think he’d be recognised, especially without B’jin beside him. Apparently he had been wrong when he heard his name and suddenly had a child-sized projectile launched at him where it clung to his legs upon impact. The plan worked, however, and R’nd came to an immediate stop and stared down at the child when she ran around in front of him. That look she gave him melted all of his defences and any excuses he had for fleeing were forgotten. He was so weak to that look! How B’jin and his daughter picked it up so quickly was beyond him but at least they used their powers sparingly though R’nd never stood a chance against it no matter when it came.

“I didn’t know you were here today, Amorandii. I just came by to see if Benden got his gifts and didn’t want to disturb his play date,” his reason for being there was given but R’nd didn’t try to leave yet. He was weighing all of his options before making a final decision. It pretty much came down to having to take her and letting B’jin know he had – his lover would freak out otherwise if he arrived and a certain little girl was missing – or tell her he wasn’t picking her up which would no doubt make Amorandii sad and he’d either have to be a monster that left anyway or stay and play with her. If he stayed, Volfetti would obviously see her and she’d either get upset he was entertaining B’jin’s daughter instead of his own son or she’d have them join the play group. It wasn’t like playing with Benden was a horrible punishment, but that feeling of being judged by Volfetti always weirded him out and with Seijin there, R’nd didn’t want to interrupt his interaction or come across as weird to the Candidate.

“Are you sure you don’t want to play with the other kids? I can’t be all that much fun to spend time with,” he sure didn’t know what to do to occupy her time until B’jin came home anyway. Sighing, R’nd knew Amorandii wouldn’t want to stay and the girl would be happy to tell stories until they got her back to her own toys and he was certain Ayyonth would help entertain as well. “All right, if you don’t have to go back and get anything, let’s get you back to your daddy’s hut.”

Re: Presents! [Open] - B'jin - 15.Nov.12

"Benden always gets his gifts!" Amorandii said seriously, reaching up to grab one of R'nd's hands in her own and clinging to it tightly in case the rider decided to nip off without her and leave her stranded in the Creche until her father came to get her. Amorandii knew he hadn't forgotten her - her daddy never forgot! - but sometimes he did get caught up, or distracted, or Larrikith flew. But R'nd was there, and she had his hand, so Larrikith wasn't Flying. Amorandii beamed up at the man.

"Daddy loves spending time with you." Amorandii pointed out sagely, twirling a lock of hair as she smiled up at R'nd winningly. The basis of which her father and the rider whose hand she held's relationship had been founded on getting laid meant nothing to Amorandii. This man made daddy smile, and he was nice to her, too. Indamor didn't like him, but Amorandii knew he didn't like his mother, too. It had something to do with the dragons, or... something.

"Yay!" The little girl squealed, dropping R'nd's hand to hug him around the waist tightly. Releasing him, she bounced anxiously beside him, before freezing dramatically and peering up at him with huge, blue eyes. Her hand shot out to grab R'nd's once more and she tugged determinedly to make him bend down closer to her level. "Can we ride Ayyonth?!" she whispered excitedly.

Re: Presents! [Open] - R'nd - 16.Nov.12

As R’nd tried to lead the little girl clinging to his hand away from the dreaded crèche, she spoke about her daddy again and he was suddenly standing still again and giving Amorandii a suspicious look. Sometimes he wondered exactly how much kids knew, especially B’jin’s. They seemed far too intelligent for their ages and given how Indamor could stare into one’s soul, he really shouldn’t have been surprised that Amorandii could pick up on mood changes. “That’s good. I always enjoy my time with your daddy as well.” It wasn’t a lie but R’nd didn’t realise how he had reworded the phrase so he avoided using ‘love’ in conjunction with B’jin.

“You know you make it hard to walk when you do your clinging routine, right?” He teased the child lightly, smiling at her as he gently mussed her hair. Aside from the similar expressions and appearance, R’nd could easily tell this was B’jin’s daughter. He doubted anyone else would be able to tell in the same way given he had only seen B’jin act as hyper a few times and oddly enough it sometimes came upon waking. R’nd still recalled the morning the greenrider was subject hopping and repositioning himself every thirty seconds while the groggy bluerider beside him tried to sit up before giving up.

All thoughts, whether happy memories or teasing Amorandii, vanished when he was tugged down to a six-turn-old’s eye level and the question came up that they ride Ayyonth. It was the natural assumption save for the part that Amorandii was B’jin’s little girl that he was ridiculously overprotective of. R’nd could just imagine his face if he heard she had flown on Ayyonth with her special harness or whatever contraption he had likely created for his precious princess. Then again, it was a short trip, Ayyonth was a smooth flyer, and R’nd would have a firm hold on Amorandii on top of that.

On a more selfish note, it would help avoid questions and knowing looks from everyone they passed if they went by foot. The untamed bluerider that didn’t do attachment or spend time with children was now baby-sitting his lover’s daughter. That was a thought to make a man dizzy.

“Okay, we’ll ride Ayyonth home. But, let me tell your daddy the tale of how I rescued you from the crèche, okay?” R’nd could already hear how the story would go with Amorandii’s embellishments and he didn’t like the dazzling and breath-taking escape via the blue’s back. His version of ‘she cornered me, gave me that look, and we took a quiet, gentle, and slow ride on Ayyonth home’ so very much better.

A moment later and R’nd was guiding them outside to where Ayyonth waited patiently with Amorandii already telling him about her day.

If he was lucky, he’d earn points with B’jin and not lose any with Volfetti.