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[G] [P] 743.07.01 | Home Again - Printable Version

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743.07.01 | Home Again - Sironar - 05.Jul.22

Sironar had been exhausted. His father had gotten him back to Telgar shortly after the hatching was done, but then he just collapsed in the spare bed of his father's weyr and immediately passed out. Fancy remained dutifully cuddled up with him, only perking up when S'far stopped by to drop off lunch the next day.

After some repeated nudging, he at least ate most of his lunch and drank the water before curling back up in a ball and pretending to nap. At least he wasn't asked about what was wrong. He wasn't even sure he could answer that question really. He was just so tired of everything. So tired he was only barely relieved when he saw Zory and Gail were able to Stand. Sure they'd been at the Touching, but who knew if something bad could have happened in the meantime?

With the sleep failing to take him back he eventually gave up and decided to at least get out of his dad's hair. So after borrowing his dad's private bath, he shuffled on off towards the room he shared with Chironhes. His roommate wasn't around at the moment, so he just dropped his bag at the foot of his bed and plopped onto it with a sigh. It wouldn't last long, he knew. Chir was probably going to be worried or something, the mute boy just seemed the sort, so he decided to at least reach up and poke Fancy on the nose. "Hey Fancy Lad, go find Chir okay? Let him know I'm back for whenever he's done with his chores."

The blue flitter let out a chirp and hopped off to go search for the other candidate, eventually spotting him and Chirp and letting out a soft warbling whistle before landing on the boy's shoulder to greet the little green and her boy.

RE: 743.07.01 | Home Again - Ch'es - 05.Jul.22

Chironhes had found himself a new routine in Sironar's absence, though he inevitably found himself missing his roommate's presence whenever he finally made his way back to the barracks to sleep. No matter how thoroughly he'd exhausted himself, the boy would lie awake, ears straining to catch sounds during the night until sleep finally claimed him. He told himself it was the news of all the attacks that had him on edge, but he suspected it was just that he enjoyed Siro's company and the way he'd natter at him at night until they both fell asleep.

Since S'far had suggested he find things he enjoyed aside from hunting, Chir had made an effort to find other activities to partake in. However, his silent observations usually struck others as annoying hovering, so he typically ended up going back to the archery range to work on that or finding Taith or Malvayth to groom. He found that activity, at least, enjoyable and a balm for worrying thoughts. Even if he didn't want to chat, the dragons seemed content to doze and allow him to scratch their hides and apply oil - tested only!! - on them.

He was just finishing up cleaning up after a session with Malvayth when Fancy Lad found him. For a brief moment, he could only blink in surprise at the firelizard that Chirp immediately tackled with excitement along his shoulders. The blue flitter tended to avoid him and his quest to pet all the firelizards, so having him land so neatly on his shoulder was quite a shock. It took another moment for him to put together that if Fancy was here without a letter for him, it must mean that Siro was home!

Bye, Mal! Chir told the gold before racing off through the Weyr. Since Fancy seemed keener on cuddling with Chirp (or rather, she was holding him hostage with her affection), the young hunter chose to check their shared room first.

He burst inside, breathless and panting, but a smile still managed to work its way to his lips. Before, Chir may have had a more sedate greeting for his roommate, but after reading and hearing so many horrifying stories of things that had happened at Benden Weyr, he couldn't help but leap forward and wrap the other teen in a tight hug. Siro couldn't know that he'd had nightmares while he was gone of all those terrible things happening to him, too. Chir was just relieved to see none of them had been true.

RE: 743.07.01 | Home Again - Sironar - 05.Jul.22

Back in his own bed, that nap he'd been trying to chase in his father's weyr was proving to be much less elusive. Everything was comfortable, the pillow fit his head perfectly, the mattress gave in all the right spots that he was accustomed to, and he was pleasantly starting to doze off in all that comfort. And then there was bang from the door as it was opened and before he could even really look up Chir was colliding with him in a tight and eager hug that knocked the air out of him.

"Hi!" Siro gasped, the sudden adrenaline now having him much more alert and awake. There was definitely not going to be a nap in his future any time soon. He managed to wiggle a limb out of the other teen's grasp and gave Chironhes a gentle pat on the back. "Nice to see you too. Now let go a little huh?" As soon as he was released he gasped and caught his breath before chuckling softly and shaking his head. "Didn't know you were that upset about me being gone. I guess it's a good thing I didn't Impress."

He flopped onto his back, scooting over to make more room for Chir. "K'dar was able to watch the Hatching. So hopefully he'll be able to come back soon. Dad is getting antsy about it. I got to take a peek at Tiberuth, he's got some weird looking scars. I was glad I brought my own oil for Fancy." Another look around the room confirmed it was more or less in the same shape as he'd left it. Maybe there were more papers piled up on the desk, but he wasn't sure. "What did you get up to while I was away? Are you going to go to the next hatching with me or nah?"

RE: 743.07.01 | Home Again - Ch'es - 05.Jul.22

Realizing too late that perhaps his greeting was a bit over the top, Chir quickly pulled back and managed an apologetic grin. It had just been so long! And so many scary things had happened, and Siro could so easily have been hurt, too!

With room made, the boy sat beside him on the bed and managed to look sad enough for his friend that he didn't Impress. He knew it was important to the other candidate, even if he was grateful it meant he got to return. It had been startling enough to realize after Siro had left that if he had Impressed, it meant he had to stay in Benden. They hadn't even managed a proper goodbye! It wasn't at all something he'd been prepared for. Though, just as Siro had mentioned, maybe he wasn't meant to miss him as much as he had.

Chir was certainly grateful to hear K'dar was doing well, and even more so to know that Tiberuth was on the mend. The bronze dragon had easily earned his place as one of his favorites. Of course, if anyone asked Chironhes to compile a list of his favorite dragons, all but Urudith would have made the list and vied for top place.

At Siro's question, Chir held up a finger to signal him to wait before scooting off the bed and over to the chair in front of the desk. Tugging some of those papers close, he carefully wrote out a few sentences with painstaking attention to detail.

"I write and read." Not well, clearly, but he was working on it really hard! And making pretty substantial headway, even if his grammar still left much to be desired. "I go with to next Hatching. When?" Holding it up for Sironar to see, Chir grinned from behind the piece of paper.

RE: 743.07.01 | Home Again - Sironar - 06.Jul.22

Siro caught the sad look and brushed it off with a wave of his hand. "It's fine. One day I'm sure." It had been disappointing, though he probably should have been used to it by now. Even with the breaks he'd taken, he'd Stood for plenty of hatchings. He raised an eyebrow a the the gesture to wait, watching as his roommate scurried off to the desk with an amused expression.

Once Chir was done and lifted up the paper, Siro made a grabby motion with his hands so he could hold them and read them closer. As the papers were brought he casually reached up and pulled his roommate into a lazy cuddle while he read. Spending any time at all near Zory tended to remind him how much he liked cuddles, though it wasn't until after that he remembered he wasn't trying to cuddle a fellow weyrbrat but a... wildernessbrat? He didn't think Chironhes quite qualified for holdbrat. He smirked and started laughing as he thought of an even better term and quickly apologized aloud. "Sorry, sorry. I was reminding myself that you weren't a weyrbrat and then wondered if you were a holdbrat or really more of a wilderness brat. Then I remembered how dad found you and decided you're a wherrybrat."

Hopefully that would be fine. "Anyway you don't have to cuddle if you don't want to. Or be a wherry brat." Siro turned his attention back to the words that Chir had written and smiled. "Wow you must have been really bored. Your handwriting is a lot easier to read, the letters aren't huge. Oh! The next hatching is probably going to be in a couple of weeks in Fort. I think they have the Touching on the eighth, so we'll be leaving here pretty soon and just staying there until the eggs hatch." Siro decided not to add that he didn't feel especially lucky about this hatching, he didn't need to spread his negativity around. "I can introduce you to some more candidates if you come so that will be nice."

RE: 743.07.01 | Home Again - Ch'es - 07.Jul.22

At Siro's beckoning, Chironhes stood to offer the papers to his roommate only to choke in surprise when the other boy tugged him down to join him on the bed for cuddles. Wholly unused to such open affection, Chir held stiffly for a moment before letting the tension ease from his form.

Even as he relaxed, Sironar's laughing had him peering at him curiously. Hearing himself be dubbed a wherrybrat had the young hunter's grin flashing quick. He liked the sound of that! The attack from that wherry really had left its mark. Marks, Chir corrected. His shoulder had fully healed, and all that was left of the wound in his side was an ugly red whorl that would fade some over time.

Despite Siro's mention that there was no requirement for him to continue cuddling, Chir found it surprisingly nice. It would be nicer if he didn't smell like the stables and still have sweat clinging under his shirt, but since Siro didn't seem all too offended about it yet, the boy opted to stay as they were while his friend read over his few words.

He beamed with pride at the compliments, pleased to hear the same from Siro as he had from S'far. Chir had been somewhat suspicious that S'far had only been trying to encourage him without really meaning it, but having Siro say similar helped chase away those lingering doubts. He had improved quite a bit, hadn't he?

When Siro explained the dates, Chir frowned as he tried to work it out in his head. Not quite as skilled with numbers without seeing them, he found himself wishing for the pen still on the desk. Helpfully, Chirp caught the image and happily skittered across both boys to leap onto the desk and return with the writing utensil clutched in her tiny claws. Grateful, Chir scooped up the little green flitter and kissed the end of her snout before letting her return to snuggling with Fancy.

Carefully, he wrote out the days, remembering how today was supposedly day number one of this cycle. He wrote out the numerics, struggling a little on four before remembering mostly through muscle memory what it was supposed to look like. At least it didn't go over ten! He could consistently count that. After, it got muddled sometimes.

Writing all the way out to ten, the boy set his pen against each number. Today, tomorrow, the day after, and so on until he reached number eight. That was pretty soon!

While meeting more candidates under Siro's watchful eye seemed better than trying to do it on his own, he couldn't help but wonder what the other boy thought about all that had happened while he was away. The last touching and hatching he'd gone to hadn't been successful and had been surrounded with so much...trouble.

He wrote more. "Scared to go?" Looking over, he hoped his soft expression was proof enough that he wasn't judging. Chironhes has been frightened enough just reading those letters. It had to be much worse being there, seeing people hurting like that. "Attacks gone?" He sure hoped they were done with... He found it hard enough to hear about people he'd come to like being hurt. To know that dragons, too, were being targeted was worse.

RE: 743.07.01 | Home Again - Sironar - 12.Jul.22

"Scared?" Siro frowned at first until he saw the added question about the attacks. "Oh, I don't actually know if the attacks are done. The Weyrwoman was poisoned right before the hatching in Benden, things got locked down... I don't really think I'm scared to go to Fort. There were deaths everywhere last year, even after dad increased patrols around the Weyr." It didn't seem to have done any good back then, but that might have just been his own cynicism and a dour mood making him think that. Maybe a bunch more would have died, he'd certainly never know.

He shook his head. "I don't think it would really do anything to help if I constantly thought something around the corner was going to kill me. It was muffins you know... last time it was poisoned muffins left in the victims' weyrs. I think they said this time it was the fizzy bath bubbles. Oh and the oil for K'dar." Siro sighed. "Though dad would probably worrry a lot if I did go. And we already have a gold that's going to clutch so I guess skipping Fort's hatching wouldn't really be terrible. I just don't want to disappoint my dad by not trying." He reached up to scratch at the side of his jaw and added, "Don't tell him I said that. He'll just go on and on about how he's not disappointed and then make me go camping with him."

Not that he didn't enjoy camping with his dad, S'far just usually ended up trying a little too hard sometimes; conspicuously apply pressure by showing off how much he wasn't applying pressure. He shrugged slightly. "Either way, if we end up going I'll introduce you to some friends. And if we don't then I'll at least make sure to introduce you to Fetch. He's a nice guy, but not very bright. He can draw really well though! I was one of his reading tutors when he first came to the Weyr from Crom Hold."

Since he imagined it would be easier to write if they weren't lying down, he relented and gave Chir a tiny shove so he could adjust his pile of pillows into something that would make for a more comfortable slightly upright lounge. "There. So what else did you do while I was gone? And did you want to do anything now that I'm back?"

RE: 743.07.01 | Home Again - Ch'es - 16.Jul.22

Chironhes knew he would be scared to go after going through such an ordeal. Did Sironar even realize it wasn't normal? Or had he simply grown jaded by attacks considering the danger all around? How was that even possible? Chir had only been here a short while and he'd taken many precautions when it came to ensuring Chirp remained safe. The little green flitter had become a lifeline for the introverted boy and the possibility of her getting injured or even killed by someone else's cruel games was quite a lot to shoulder.

Hearing Siro voice his concerns for disappointing S'far had Chir's brows furrowing in concern. The Weyrleader didn't seem the type to lay a great deal on anyone's shoulders other than himself. And based on how frequently and fondly he'd mentioned his son while Sironar was away, the freckled hunter couldn't imagine anyone he was more proud of than Siro.

While it was clearly a subject Siro didn't want to linger on, Chir couldn't just let him get away without writing something about it. With a frown, he bent over his paper so his roommate couldn't see anything prematurely. "S'far proud of you. He say. You not disappoint." As he read it back to himself, he knew those weren't exactly the right words, but they were enough that Siro would get the point without him spending another ten minutes figuring out the correct grammar. Satisfied enough, he showed the paper. After Siro had a chance to read, Chir pulled it back to himself to write again.

"We stay," Chir decided right then and there. Even if he'd felt guilty about missing the last one, it didn't seem the right time to go to another place when there was still so much mystery around the source of the attacks in Benden. At least here, the boy knew S'far was working hard to ensure their own borders were secure and safe. And they'd even started to use Chir's own recommendation for slathering oil on curing hides before dragons and firelizards to prevent burns like what Tiberuth had reportedly sustained.

"I meet Fetch and others," he wrote with a bright smile, hoping to still soothe any lingering feelings his friend may have about his father. He sat up properly while Siro adjusted the pillows before leaning back again and returning to his writing.

"Gardening." Gesturing to his current state of cleanliness, he added, "Muck stalls, groom horses." Even if the animals weren't particularly beloved by the majority of the Weyrfolk, Chir couldn't help but adore them and spoil them any chance he could. The boy wrinkled his nose as he dipped his head down to smell his shirt. A trip to the baths was certainly called for before he did anything involving the company of others. Admittedly, Chir far preferred the baths and his better hygiene practices compared to the dips in icy rivers he had to suffice with back in Lemos.

"Want hunt," he admitted. "S'far say no." Only a small frown graced his features. "Not safe now. What you want?"

RE: 743.07.01 | Home Again - Sironar - 21.Jul.22

Sironar idly reached up to pat Fancy's head as his roommate scribbled away. While it made for some inconveniences when it came to communication, having a mute roommate did have certain advantages. Like how peaceful it could be and so easy to doze off. He was about to when another bit of paper was waved in front of him and he blinked at it and frowned. "Well he wouldn't tell you otherwise, would he? He has to say that."

At least Chir seemed fine with moving on, and Siro decided that just agreeing would be easier. He hadn't been all that excited to go to Fort anyway and with it being Chironhes's decision then it wasn't something anyone could be disappointed in him for. In theory. "Yeah fine. We'll stay here for a bit. We have three golds, so we'll get you into some hatchings." And maybe they'd Impress while they were at it, Siro could certainly hope.

He read the other notes and nodded. "Yeah we'll have plenty of time for you to meet Fetch and some others. Working the stables huh? I'll be really surprised if you haven't already met him and just didn't realize it. He's a big guy, kind of slow, blond hair, scruffy, his eyes seem kinda small for his face? Hm. Oh, maybe you've seen his flitter around, he's a chunky brown with light marbling on his wing sails and a slightly darker belly? Eh, it doesn't matter, he'll probably avoid Fort so we can track him down whenever we want."

Upon reading the last little bit about wanting to hunt, Siro snorted out a soft breath through his nose and nodded. "Well I can't really help you with that anyway, but yeah... dad sometimes gets a bit protective. I wouldn't be surprised if he started paying drudges to test the goldriders' food for poison again. I know Fetch did it for a while, but he was also feeling really guilty at the time... I should make sure he doesn't volunteer this time since he seems to be doing better since his accident."

And then there was the matter of what he wanted. He shrugged. "I don't know. Probably should get you cleaned up and then maybe we can see if someone's around. Or we could go to the library, or stay in and nap. It's too late to go get any good hiking done."

RE: 743.07.01 | Home Again - Ch'es - 26.Jul.22

Chironhes didn't point out how S'far didn't have to say anything at all. That if he wasn't proud, he didn't seem the kind of person to lie and say that he was. But sensing that arguing with his friend would be an exercise in futility, Chir let the subject drop and leaned his shoulder against him in a silent show of support.

When Siro described Fetch, Chir realized that perhaps he had seen someone who looked like that around the stables after all. And, yes, he knew that firelizard, too! Certainly better than he did the man. Chirp liked to play with him while Chir mucked out stalls.

When Sironar carried on about having others taste-test food for poisons, Chir frowned. Was that how things were going to be now? Siro made it all sound so normal and expected. Chironhes found it utterly exhausting! How did all in the Weyr not simply collapse from all of the stress and worry of wondering where the next attack would come from? It had certainly left him with restless nights and anxious days.

Looking at his friend, Chir recognized some of that wear there in Siro's face. Even if he mentioned going out after bathing to see if anyone was around, he suspected his roommate would prefer to stay in. Worried, he wrote out a question. Are you ok? Chir didn't know how to state that he knew something was off without putting his roommate's back up. He didn't want to be someone he had to defend himself against, and if it was too much, he would drop it and find other ways to support him. But worrying about those he cared about was as natural to Chir as breathing, so he found himself incapable of simply ignoring the obvious for now.

Want stay in? he added, not at all minding doing nothing more with his spare time than taking a nap or just hanging out in their room if it would help Siro recover from all that he'd gone through in Benden.