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Soaring above the Weyr [Solo] - Printable Version

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Soaring above the Weyr [Solo] - Jada - 22.Jul.12

Today was an important day for two girls. Krypth had barely slept the night before, her mind whirling with excitement. It had taken everything Jada had to soothe her, relax her; the gold dragon had only managed to fall asleep when Jada had allowed her onto the human bed in the room, each using the other as a pillow. It had helped that there was the threat of not getting to fly the next day after all- if Krypth was too tired, Jada would simply have to tell them that the dragonet couldn't fly due to exhaustion, and then her excitement would have been for nothing!

This early in spring, it was already getting warm, shaking off the brittle touch of winter. However, this morning was a fallback, and when Jada woke up she could hardly feel her fingers. Krypth crooned to her beloved, nosing at the arms that had gotten so consistently stiff over the past season. By now, the dragonet knew what needed to be done to help her Chosen rise and get ready in such cold weather, and in the privacy of their rooms, she took care to keep things easy for her this morning. Luckily, Jada had bathed the evening before, in preparation for their early rising, so she only needed to do a quick sponge bath. Krypth uncoiled herself from her place around Jada, bringing the girl a pair of slippers to slide on so her feet wouldn't freeze on the cold floor.

"You won't be able to do that when we have our own hut."

You will have a rug, and I will not need to. Krypth's response was quick, tinted with loving. She bumped her head into Jada's lap, resting her face against her girl's stomach, tail twitching. The gold was still under ten feet, but likely wouldn't be by the end of the month. She was already large enough to knock Jada over when she got the urge to be close to her human, which was often. Krypth was defiant but loving, an odd combination in the mind of the Harper she had chosen.

Jada would learn, however. Their bond was still young, but grew tighter every moment. Putting her feet into the shoes that Krypth had so carefully lain out for her, Jada moved to the water in her room and took a quick bath, hissing as the chilled water nearly froze those sensitive places she was cleaning! Thumping near the small chest that held her clothing told her that Krypth was picking out something that she wanted Jada to wear on this special occasion. "I'm not flying with you. I'll have to climb up and down mountain. Keep that in mind!"

You won't trip, will you? Multifaceted eyes flared with anxiety, and Jada was struck by the sensation. Promise me you won't trip. That would be so embarrassing. Not to mention you would fall, and maybe miss my flight!

"I have no plans to trip."

You never do but you are always tripping.

"I won't trip!" Such a silly thing to worry about, too! The Harper dropped the wet cloth down next to the water basin and moved over to where Krypth had pulled out a pair of dark pants and a Harper-blue top and was now looking at her expectantly. "Nope." Jada replied immediately, and pulled a different top out. It was more serviceable, and not as impressive, and Krypth immediately grumbled displeasure. "I know it is your day, darling, but that is my nicest shirt. What if it tore?"

Someone would make you a new one if you asked.

"Possibly, but I have nothing to give in return. There is something called money that I don't have much of, now that I am in Katila." How to explain a concept like that to a dragon? Eventually, however, Jada and Krypth reached agreement, and the gold opened the door for her human, pushing the Harper along in front of her.

G'rem had not been waiting long- Krypth wanted "her" day to go well, so Jada was doing her best to accommodate, within reason. Together, they hiked to the location where Krypth would be taking off from while the Weyrlingmaster explained what would be occurring- he wanted no surprises! Krypth would be gliding down, not trying to flap about or play any tricks in the sky. Remenath would be nearby in case she got tired. She was permitted to glide in circles, yes, to try and extend it a little.

At the location where the dragonet was going to be making her leap, she froze, pressing her golden nose to Jada's brown-clad hip. You believe me, right? She stared up at her human, mind awash with anxiety. You think I can do this?

"I think you can do anything." Jada knelt down next to her lifemate and stared into those yellow-green eyes, pressing a kiss to the soft nose. "You're the only one who could do this right now. I know I certainly wouldn't be brave enough to jump off that ledge! You're definitely the best equipped for the job, beloved." Low in her throat, Krypth chuffed in a laugh, and little by little the yellow faded from her eyes as she pressed her face to Jada's.

I love you.

"I love you too." Jada let Krypth pull away and move back to the ledge. Her heart was in her throat as Krypth watched Remenath leap from the ledge. Muscles bunched, and the dragon flung herself into the sky, wings snapping open. At first she plummeted, and Jada was afraid her heart would explode, until Krypth's wings connected with the breeze, and she leveled out. Jada screamed with delight, and G'rem grabbed her shirt to keep her from jumping off the ledge in glee.

I'm flying! Krypth's mind-voice was an explosion, joy suffusing every crisp note.

Gliding, Jada thought she heard G'rem correct, and she ignored him. "Yay!" she called it to Krypth, who bugled her victory. She was in the sky, supporting herself!