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[G] [P] 743.07.09 | A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Theatre - Printable Version

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RE: 743.07.09 | A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Theatre - Mylorah - 23.Jul.22

Geric’s passion for his particular speciality in his craft was infectious, and Mylorah asked questions to get him to keep talking. He finally seemed comfortable and confident and she didn’t want that to disappear again. He even had her contemplating if she should visit him again sometime for lessons. It wasn’t something she would have ever considered something she would be good at or enjoy but Geric did an excellent job of selling the job and it did sound peaceful.

But the talk did wind down and her curiosity shifted to the rooms around them until some actors were introduced to her. Mylorah gushed at them, praising their performances and the play overall and didn’t mind answering some of their questions in return about the Weyr. She also made sure to keep up with little touches to Geric or taking his hand to remind the men that she was there with him willingly without actually calling them out on their teasing. It seemed mostly harmless but she could tell Geric was still uncomfortable with it and she was a touchy-feely person to begin with.

As they were leaving, Mylorah promised to see them soon at the party and then cocked her head at Geric when he groaned and said something curious. “One, we need to go if only because that is such a cool name and I need to see what’s in there and why it’s called that. Two, is it really so bad to have them think that? I don’t mind helping you out and playing girlfriend.” And then she was holding his hand in both of hers again and bouncing a bit on the balls of her feet with a big smile. “But I really do want to see the Skeleton Closet.”

RE: 743.07.09 | A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Theatre - L'ri - 23.Jul.22

Well, that had certainly been inconvenient. Gangleri's very special guest had been simultaneously sturdier than he'd anticipated and more fragile, just with each happening at increasingly inconvenient times. First there was the poisoned wine that the man didn't even seem to notice aside from turning bright red in the face as he'd laughed and jeered and drooled over some of the ladies nearby, his particular taste for the particularly youthful in appearance not at all lost on the harper as he bit back his own distaste and slapped the man cheerily on the back and laughed along at the terrible jokes. "Ah I prefer more mature and experienced women myself, they've seen enough to have some interesting tricks up their sleeves!"

He didn't mention Quilriana's name, or even invoked her as his wife. He wouldn't sully her name by letting this man hear it and bandy it about to his friends and acquaintances. So he just idly listened to more of the man's terrible banter as he idly nodded and sipped his own wine, waiting until there was finally a hint of slur and stumble that indicated things were finally starting to take hold. He slapped the man keenly on the back and steered him around as he lowered his voice to say, "You know, from all you've said I think I know of a particular person who might have what you're looking for. No, you'll have to get into his good graces first, but I can make an introduction. Let's go, it'll be quick."

After that the man had the utter discourtesy to go and suddenly die on him! And before he'd reached his disposal point! It took quite a bit of careful handling to maneuver the man about, one arm draped over Gangleri's shoulders while his own right arm wrapped around the other man's torso to help hold him up. He had to reach out and kick at legs to get them to seem to swing and stumble and step every now and then. It was slow, and awkward, but it would do if a drunk happened to stumble on them in the back halls leading back towards the stage's secondary rear entrance. Between his macabre puppetry and very careful timing he was able to at least make it to the nearest safe spot to hide a corpse in. After all, the room was already full of corpses, which for some reason tended to attract certain morbid theater students and actors who thought it was either daring or romantic.

Either way, it wasn't nearly as popular as rumor led everyone to believe, and most people lied about their time in the closet. Gangleri, on the other hand, spent plenty of time there, but only because he was one of the few who had a key to the other room deeper in the closet. The healer hall was frequently rather stingy when it came to sharing their corpses, something about how using the bones for theater props and artistic studies could be seen as disrespectful and a waste of a good learning opportunity. No matter. There was a door on the other side of the room that was kept sealed and locked shut. Behind that rather bland and boring barricade was a large pool of chemicals, never talked about except in certain departments by certain people.

Lucky for Gangleri he was one such person. Once he got the skeleton closet's door closed behind him he paused to rest, adjusting how he held the man's arm draped over his shoulder. He wasn't sure if he was too old or his very special, very rude guest was too large, but either way his back was sore and his shoulder and arm were burning from having to carry his corpse puppet so far. But that was fine, he was practically done now and he could get back to Mylorah safe and pleased in the knowledge that she'd never have to look at this particular person ever again.

And of course that was when Geric threw open the door, ushering the lovely lady in as he proclaimed, "Behold, the Skeleton Clo-" His voice suddenly cracked as he stared and then immediately shut the door behind himself and Mylorah, leaning back against it to keep her trapped inside with them. Gangleri stared at Mylorah, eyes wide and face paling. "First tell me what you thinks this looks like so that I know how to respond."

RE: 743.07.09 | A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Theatre - Mylorah - 25.Jul.22

Her eyes widened when the first strung up skeleton was spotted but before she could truly comprehend what she was seeing, Geric was yanking her into the room and slamming the door behind them. She spun on him to verify which side of the door he was actually on and then to question what he was doing but she realised they weren't alone and Mylorah slowly turned back around and spotted Gangleri. With a man. A very lifeless-looking man from the way he was hanging off of the Master Harper. With a gasp, Mylorah covered her mouth with a hand and took a few steps back until she stumbled into Geric. He steadied her but she barely noticed as her eyes darted around the room before always landing back on Gangleri and his... companion.

With a name like the 'Skeleton Closet' Mylorah had assumed some bored Harpers had painted a few skeletons on the wall and maybe it was always dimly lit and spooky so it was a dare to go in alone. Or be used as a make out spot, she recalled from Geric's comment. Closets were handy for that, she could easily attest to. But she hadn't expected actual skeletons and she was fairly certain they were real. She had seen T'cai work with animal bones often enough and still had the wind chime he made for her hanging in her little room that she packed up with the rest of her meager belongings every time she travelled for a Hatching. So she was familiar enough with bones to be rather horrified at the realisation that she was staring at former human beings. There was a brief moment of hysteria grabbing her with a short laugh behind the hand still over her mouth as she wondered if this was what Cazan thought between looked like.

She had to focus before she lost her mind from all the overwhelming images and facts staring her in the face. Gangleri had asked her a question, an odd one, but still it had been asked. What did she think it looked like? Given her own experiences in general in closets and with the Master Harper, Mylorah could have assumed she had interrupted a date. But she felt she knew Gangleri well enough to know the man in his arms wouldn't be his type. She knew of three men he'd been with, because she had been there as well, and they were all younger and rather 'pretty' though K'dar maybe less so compared to Gaili and Yfris. Gangleri wouldn't be interested in--

Mylorah gasped yet again as she got a clear view of the man's face. "Is that Lord--" she couldn't even bring herself to say his name. He was a major creep and harassed her anytime they were at the same party and Tazikel had to leave her side to play second son for a while. She always did her best to avoid him but he'd cornered her a couple of times and was far too handsy and insistent. She had wondered why Gangleri would want to talk with him earlier. Was this why?

"Is he dead?" She finally asked what her brain was screaming was true but she needed the confirmation. There was something else she needed to know as well but that answer was potentially scary. "Did you do it?"

RE: 743.07.09 | A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Theatre - L'ri - 25.Jul.22

For what felt like the millionth time in only a few seconds, Gangleri wished that his brother had yanked Mylorah out of the closet before slamming the door shut. But it was too late for that, he'd just have to have a talk with Geric later. For now, his mind was scrambling, trying to study the woman's reaction, figure out how much of it was purely due to shock and how she'd potentially feel about things once she calmed down.

Unfortunately he seemed to be taking just a little too long since his brother decided to help, pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket, soaking it with a quick splash from a bottle and holding it over Mylorah's mouth and nose as he grabbed her from behind. That at least had Gangleri reacting, frowning as he dropped his very special puppet in a not very special manner and quickly walking over to shoo the man's hands away from Mylorah's face.

"Geric! Stop that this instant!" A familiar sharply astringent and sour smell shit his nose and he gave an exasperated sigh. "Is that the fancy vinegar I acquired for Quil? Tell me you didn't leave chloroform in the pantry... I'll have Fret swap it back. Clearly you're not responsible enough for either." His brother gave a meek apology in response, pointing out that the bottles did look very similar. Gangleri sighed, annoyed that he'd snapped at his brother. He glanced at his brother and quietly added, "I didn't mean to snap, we'll talk later."

At least Fret would be able to handle replacing the vinegar in the pantry and retrieving the chloroform bottle, hopefully without Quil ever noticing anything was amiss. The striped brown firelizard popped into the closet and immediately gave Mylorah a happy little chirp in greeting as he spotted her, gently landing on her shoulder to take the bottle from Geric. With another soft chirp and gentle headbutt to Mylorah's cheek he hopped off, popping away to handle his task.

And that just left the corpse and the lady to deal with. Gangleri turned to look at the corpse he'd dropped and sighed, shoulders slumping in disappointment at himself. "Yes." He wasn't about to say that he did it for her, that was the sort of thing that he knew would not go over well, but he did need to say something, and soon. But conversing with a corpse nearby was not something everyone was used to, so he shooed his brother to the side and took his place leaning back against the door and gave Geric a nod. "Move him into the other room please, do you know how that process is supposed to go? Here's the key." He fished that out of his pocket and handed it to his brother.

As Geric started to awkwardly drag the man further into the skeleton closet, Gangleri turned his attention back to Mylorah. "I don't want you to think poorly of me, but I would also prefer not to lie to you. Yes, you recognized the lord correctly; yes, he is dead; and yes, I did it. The man was a menace, he'd hurt too many girls as it was, too many young ladies. I'd have preferred to have this already handled, but he didn't come to the other showings, only this one. After I heard him threaten someone I care about I couldn't just let him slip away."

He sighed, shaking his head. "I'm sorry you had to see this, Mylorah. I can only beg that you not tell anyone, not even Quilriana." He paused to take a deep breath, studying her face as he tried to cling to the hope she wouldn't hate him over this turn of events, that he hadn't killed the perception of himself she used to have. "What do you want to do right now? What do you want me to do? And I'm terribly sorry about Geric, he was just in a panic and trying to help; I would never let him hurt you. I would never hurt you on purpose either."

RE: 743.07.09 | A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Theatre - Mylorah - 26.Jul.22

Somehow she had forgotten Geric was behind her but instead of being a safe haven, the man was suddenly holding a foul smelling cloth over her mouth and nose. Her eyes watered and soon she was gasping and coughing once the cloth was removed and she took a couple of stumbling steps away. What had he been trying to do? Hearing Gangleri call it vinegar had Mylorah nodding to herself. Yes, that’s what the smell was and made sense why her throat lightly burned. She knew she wasn’t overly useful in a kitchen but she would never understand why that liquid was deemed important or what else besides some variety of potato dishes it was even used for.

Gangleri’s order for Geric to deal with the body was the only real reason why the younger Harper didn’t end up with a fist to his face once she had cleared her throat. There was a process? A special room with a key? What were these brothers into and why was it in the Harper Hall? Slowly some ideas crept into her mind as Mylorah looked around her again at the skeletons. The process… surely it wasn’t how they were made? The Lord was horrible but surely even he didn’t deserve to—

Mylorah turned away from Geric dragging a dead man through a special door so she could stare at Gangleri while he spoke. She couldn’t pick an emotion to land on. Certainly she was in some level of shock and that was why she couldn’t even grasp onto anger or fear. They were both there, in the background, as everything overwhelmed her. Maybe she should just cry—that could help. Or leave and never look back. She could find another flitter to send a message to a brother. A brother… the anger sparked and Mylorah was giving in to what was obviously her mother’s blood given how K’dar usually reacted and swung at Gangleri, wincing as her fist connected with his face. She heard her brother’s voice in her head about where she should have struck for maximum impact and damage but she oddly didn’t want to do a lot of damage to the Master Harper but simply show she wasn’t happy about the lies and sneaking around.

“I would prefer you not lie to me as well. So here are some very straightforward questions for you to truthfully answer. Why are you clearly so good at killing? How did you do it? I didn’t see blood. Was it… poison?” She was so tired of poison! Nothing seemed safe anymore because of it and she’d nearly lost half of her siblings to it while many others had perished. A sharp inhale had Mylorah grabbing the ring she wore on a chain around her neck. It had been her grandmother’s; a gift from R’nd after she had died. They had never met but the gesture had been sweet all the same since it came with R’nd saying she would be welcomed into the family if she wanted to be. Mylorah didn’t wear it often but felt it had been a nice accent to the dress. Now it was simply something to cling to as some puzzle pieces tried to jam themselves together.

“You… you’re not the murderer in the Weyrs, are you? You can’t be.” Mylorah paused briefly to wonder if that was her hoping it wasn’t true or if she had a reason for it before nodding. “I’m pretty sure I was with you when one of the attacks happened in another Weyr and you would probably need a dragonrider to get you around easily.” There was absolutely no way Gangleri was killing innocent people, not when he had just confessed to removing the Lord from the equation of life because he was a creep and harming loved ones. “I just want the truth, Master Harper.”

RE: 743.07.09 | A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Theatre - L'ri - 26.Jul.22

Gangleri took the punch with a soft grunt, his eyes closing for a brief moment, but otherwise he didn't make any move to either dodge or stop her. He cracked open an eye after that first blow, partially surprised that she hadn't hit him harder, or repeatedly. He let out a breath and nodded. "I deserve that." Really he probably deserved worse considering the other secrets he had tucked away. And so long as those remained firmly tucked away he wouldn't have to lie about them.

At least she was asking questions since that meant she was still willing to talk to him, for now at least. The first question caught him by surprise though. "What? You think I'm good at killing?" He tilted his head curiously, feeling simultaneously flattered but also a tiny bit concerned. "Why am I good at it?" He repeated the question softly to himself as he tried to think about what made a good killer, the qualities about him that complimented the grisly task. "I suppose it's because I'm willing to commit to a course of action, indecisiveness is what gets most such fellows caught I suppose. That and indiscretion. I have to be committed to think and plan through the deed, then committed to the follow through required which requires remaining discreet." Sure, he loved to talk, and he could go on for quite some times, but there were things he did not talk about except to Bart. Bart could keep secrets.

The next question was much easier to answer and he nodded. "Yes, it was poison in his wine. I would have preferred to do something else, but I wanted it to be over as quickly and as cleanly as possible so that I could be done with it and get back to you. Watching you dance always makes me feel lighter, always smiles, even when you're not dancing with me." Hopefully she didn't feel that he was trying to be manipulative as he said it, she was just so full of life when she danced, was so comforting to be near that despite her being angry with him at the moment and having hit him he was just relieved because she was still there.

He cringed at being asked if he was the murderer, but mostly because he didn't like to consider himself as such. "No, I'm not the murderer in the Weyrs and I truly do not know who it is or what they want. The matters of my play are, as described in the program, inspired by factual events, but not a direct reflection or retelling. I actually have been trying to gather the records of the deaths so that I could create a special commemorative program to try and memorialize them in some fashion. Only some of the deaths are deemed questionable, with no clear indication if they were just a coincidence of timing or someone trying to take advantage of a more notorious rogue element to hide their own villainy."

Gangleri shook his head, stifling a chuckle in poor taste and turning it into a soft huff of air instead. "Honestly if all of that was a single person, I would think they were a younger man than I to have the time and energy required." He looked back up at Mylorah, realized that there was a chance she'd never want to see him again after this, and in a moment of desperation he reached out to pull her into a tight hug and buried his face into her hair as he whispered, "I'm sorry." At least he would still have that last hug to cling to in his memories and dreams.

RE: 743.07.09 | A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Theatre - Mylorah - 27.Jul.22

Mylorah sighed softly against Gangleri's chest and eventually put her arms around him to participate in the hug. There was a lot to think about and some things she didn't want to linger on at all--like what Geric was doing to start the 'process'. Or, she realised, like how Gangleri was carrying around a dead man and was now holding her. Definitely some things that didn't need more time dedicated to it. She never thought herself to be squeamish and had helped with skinning and butchering in the past but turned out animals and humans were two very different subjects, even when the human ranked poorly in her mind.

"I'm not upset that he's dead," she started quietly, knowing she had to work through what was on her mind for herself more than Gangleri. "So many ladies will be safer now without him around. And maybe I'm upset that I'm not upset over someone's death. He was a creep and awful with things he said or tried to do but I never wished for him to die. But I'm the reason, aren't I?" Quilriana didn't seem the sort to need assistance in dealing with unwanted attention, though Mylorah didn't think she did either. But Lord Douchebag had cornered her last time and scared her. Given the Master Harper seemed skilled in sneaking around, she wouldn't be surprised to learn he had seen the interaction. Gangleri hadn't also flat out stated he killed before that night but it seemed heavily implied with his long explanation as to why he was good at it and why poison wasn't his preferred method.

She really didn't know the man she continued to hug and knew he had to have a lot more secrets that he quite possibly would never share but Mylorah was starting to feel oddly flattered. She didn't think too many people she knew would actually kill for her--K'dar not included as his protective streak would take on an entire Weyr if needed. Maybe that was also from their mom since she would and had stuck up for friends in all manner of ways. But she didn't know if she was supposed to say thank you or not so Mylorah changed the subject with a sharp turn.

"Geric is supposed to be my date and some of the others are expecting us to be making out right now. So if you wouldn't mind asking your brother to wash his hands and muss up his hair a bit, we can head over to the party for some dancing."

RE: 743.07.09 | A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Theatre - L'ri - 27.Jul.22

There was a flood of relief as he felt Mylorah sigh, even more so when she returned the hug. Gangleri gave her a tighter squeeze as nuzzled his face against her hair a bit as he nodded in agreement. At least she could see that it was better to have him gone. He wasn't going to point it out and encourage that sort of callousness from the woman though. "You are allowed to feel however you wish about death, I won't hold any of it against you."

It was harder to answer the other half though. Gangleri's hand idly began to rub her back, the motion intended more to soothe himself than her. "He was the reason." It had been profoundly upsetting to see Mylorah trapped and frightened, and it had taken a great deal of self control to keep his interference subtle with only Fret providing a distraction to give her time to escape. He took another deep breath, another squeeze as if he was afraid she'd still end up deciding that she hated him and never wanted to see him again.

The mention of his brother though made him chuckle, head falling back to rest against the door. "I'd suggest you could muss it for him, but he might not know what to do. Then again I suppose he might. I've been wrong before about things." With Geric having a baby it was easy to assume that at least one make out session had happened, but he still didn't know any details. Hopefully his brother would finish whatever discussion he was in with the girl's father soon so that he could tell Quil something at least. "I'll go make sure he's done and tell him to clean up. You just be careful of Wally over there," he said pointing at the nearest skeleton with a notable row of missing teeth. "He's a peeping Tom."

Taking one more risk he dipped his head down to give Mylorah a quick kiss, and when she didn't slap him or run away he smiled and stepped away. "I'll send him out shortly. And after that I will make sure someone plays a good dancing song for you at the party." Perhaps not her song though, he didn't want to risk her associating it with death. After one more quick glance to make sure she wasn't going to run off, he went to go fetch his brother.

RE: 743.07.09 | A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Theatre - Geric - 27.Jul.22

Geric was tired. Why had Leeri gone and killed such a heavy man?! It had taken a lot to get him into the vat of chemicals that dissolved and ate away the flesh from the bones. At least it was done, he was just sitting in his smock as he tried to catch his breath and ignore the smell. He nearly jumped out of his skin as his older brother walked in, and he immediately jumped up to his feet. "Leeri! Are you okay? Is... is she okay?"

His brother scoffed in an infuriating manner. "Of course we are. Are you done in here? Go get washed up and see Mylorah, ask her about your hair. I'll put the smock and other things away and lock up." Gangleri held out his hand expectantly and Geric blinked in confusion for a moment before remembering he had the keys. He passed them over with an embarrassed blush before peeling off the smock and running off to the little wash room to make sure he was cleaned up and presentable and not corpse goo gross. By the time he stepped out he smelled faintly of roses and cinnamon, and cautiously walked over to Mylorah.

"Uh... hi... sorry again about... about that. Everything. Leeri said you talk to you about my hair? Do I need to do something to it? We can probably wait outside of the closet too... we don't have to stay in here if you don't want."

RE: 743.07.09 | A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Theatre - Mylorah - 27.Jul.22

What even was her love life anymore? Everything was becoming a complicated mess but she wasn't really even mad at any of the men. It was just how their lives were and she had danced her way into them so she couldn't expect them all to change what they knew for her. "Don't date, Wally. It gets kind of messy... which I guess you know something about." Who had Wally been in life and how had he ended up as a skeleton in a closet that watched people have steamy hook-ups? She probably didn't want to know.

By the time Geric came out, Mylorah was having a staring contest with Wally. It was hard to tell who was winning since he lacked eyes but she felt she was holding her own against him and silently declared herself the winner when she broke contact to smile at the younger brother and wave off his apology. “Our friendship keeps hitting a lot of rocks,” she had moved on from anger so he wasn’t in risk of being punched, though he did deserve it for trying to knock her out with vinegar. Instead, she went for playfulness as she had a reputation to give Geric because while she wasn’t always the quickest and knew she was still definitely intentionally left in the dark, a distraction of sorts would be needed.

Mylorah grabbed a fistful of the nice shirt Geric was wearing and gave it a little yank to pull them closer together as she smiled sweetly at the man. It helped leave him a little rumpled which was a good start but it really was all about the hair. “We entered together, Geric. You said yourself what that often means.” She ran her fingers through his hair, mussing it up just enough to make it look like she had enjoyed playing with his hair while they kissed. Mission accomplished, Mylorah smiled again and stepped back to admire her work, giving him a nod of approval.

“Well-kissed lips are missing though. I dunno, suck on your lips or pull them,” Mylorah did the same, worrying her lower lip as she ran her fingers through her own hair a few times to make it look played with and then made an attempt to smooth it down like she had done a time or two over the years before leaving a closet. Even for a rouse, she just couldn’t bring herself to kiss Geric right then. For one thing, he was probably gay and wouldn’t appreciate her tongue down his throat but a dead man was very effective when it came to killing a libido.

Satisfied with their appearances, Mylorah held out her hand for Geric. “I’m ready to be whisked around the dance floor now, good sir.”

RE: 743.07.09 | A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Theatre - Geric - 27.Jul.22

"Wally's not the best conversationalist. Though some people like to say that Gretta is haunted. It's why she's always hung up facing the corner," Geric said as he heard Mylorah talking to the skeleton. "I think those two are the oldest, dad said they were donations from old actors after the Healer Hall stopped lending us skeletons after the dancing duel incident." He wasn't going to say what Gangleri and some of the other theater specialists had told him once, because that had probably been just a spooky story to creep him out. He didn't really think that their dad would have punished the actors who had broken the original bones with their improvised dancing sword fight by killing them. Well, part of him could have, but when his brother had jokingly added that their mother had served up the flesh in Gerric's favorite stew he'd readily dismissed the entire story.

The small attempt at conversation was as daring as he could be before he saw that Mylorah was smiling at him. He shyly rubbed his arm and nodded. "Yeah... I'm sorry about that. I don't really have too many friends, so I'm probably not good at it. Or I just make it too hard for other people I guess." He glanced towards the back to see if Gangleri was coming and was thus caught completely off guard when he was yanked closer. He squeaked, turning red as she reached up to fuss with his hair.

With a nod he complied with her instructions to pull and suck on his lips, and though part of it seemed ridiculous, he could see the practical use for it. Once he thought he'd done enough he took Mylorah's hand and nodded. "He'll catch up, don't worry." Geric took another quick glance to make sure his brother wasn't lurking about before getting the door and leading Mylorah down the corridors back to the party. Very quietly he whispered, "Are you..." no, asking if someone was mad would likely make them mad and Geric did not want to be responsible for that.

But he was still anxious, still worried about his brother, still thinking about how he'd ruined one bit of happiness for him before in the past. So he just quietly said, "You make him really happy. I was very nervous about it before, because he actually loves his wife this time... and I don't think I really understand it all, but after meeting you it makes little more sense, and I'm less nervous at least. I'm glad I got to meet you."

They were almost back to the party when he heard his brother's slurred voice call out, "Hey! Wait for me you two!" He turned and paused, raising an eyebrow as he watched his brother sway ever so slightly as he caught up to them.

RE: 743.07.09 | A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Theatre - L'ri - 27.Jul.22

Despite all appearances Gangleri wasn't drunk, though he certainly smelled enough like gin that he could have been as he threw his arm over Mylorah's shoulder and leaned in to much more soberly whisper, "I'm fine, just didn't want to smell like roses. And I have the slightest hint of a bruise showing up so I'll start a small fight with a friend to give it a reason to be there since I'm sure I'll sweat the makeup off before the end of the night with all of the dancing. I just don't want you to be too worried about me when that little scuffle happens."

A bit more loudly and with the slur back in his voice, Gangleri added, "Your date is lovely, Geric! Maybe I'll have to steal her for a dance or two since Quil's still at home. But you better dance with her fist, show her a good time or I'll be disappointed to call you my brother!" With that he staggered off into the party room with another loud greeting before immediately grabbing the first unattended dancer, one of the male actors, to frolic about with on the dance floor for a bit before switching to a new partner.

The dancing was all fine and good as he played his own little distraction, but he kept an eye on Geric and Mylo, and grinned when he saw that his younger brother did still know how to dance, though he was a tad bit more upright and formal about it in general style. At least the boy was willing to learn as he watched and tried to adapt himself to Mylorah's much more lively and free method.

Since his brother finally started to look like he was having fun he let them dance a bit more and wandered off to go find one of his theater friends who always loved to demonstrate his stage fighting by throwing people into furniture, especially after two drinks. With his existing bruise now well accounted for, and a new one forming on his backside, Gangleri shook himself, helped right the furniture he'd been knocked into, and went to go steal a dance with his dancing girl from the Weyr.

The night may not have gone as well as he could have hoped, but he was going to try and make sure she had her fill of dancing at the very least, and properly show off her own skills to the rest of the harpers in attendance. With how competitive he knew some of them could get with dancing, he was sure she'd have plenty to try and take her mind off of the earlier unpleasantness.