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[G] [O] 742.01.20 | Visiting Hours - Printable Version

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742.01.20 | Visiting Hours - B'kit - 23.Jan.21

B’kit was dozing, bundled up carefully near Erebuth’s space in their temporary home. Someone had brought extra braziers and blankets to help keep the small blue warm, so it was cozier than the weather outside would imply. The healers insisted that both of them move as much as they could bear so that the skin wouldn’t heal stiff—something Kitt found easier than Erebuth, so he alternated between the dragon’s alcove and the living quarters—but they also still insisted on doses of fellis, which left him nervous and exhausted after endless rounds of nightmares.

A few friends had already stopped by, and it seemed like there was a near-constant stream of healers and assistants checking in. He tried to not let it worry or irritate him, though it brought back uncomfortable memories of those first months after Impression.

He was mostly thankful that whatever had happened with his hearing seemed to be improving; that had probably been the most unnerving aspect of the accident in the immediate aftermath. There was still some ringing in his right ear, but he could mostly hear when the healers were speaking without having to rely on Erebuth as a relay.

He stirred as someone knocked at the door, but J’shom was already answering it. Kitt smiled slightly, grateful for his presence and his help.

RE: 742.01.20 | Visiting Hours - Zoremet - 27.Jan.21

"You're going to see B'kit, yeah? Here, give this to him for me, he can open it later." Zoremet blinked as the other candidate shoved a box into his arms. He thought he recognized him as one of the other candidates in Ista, but he wasn't one of his usual cuddle pals so he didn't pay the abrasive man much mind. Until right now.

It was already too late though, the man was giving him a cheery wave as he walked away. Zory tucked the package under his arm as he finished walking to the weyr that the healers had put B'kit in. He gave the door a nervous knock and brightened as he saw it wasn't a healer who answered. And there further in and awake was B'kit!

With an excited babble, Zoremet gave first J'shom a quick hug then moved in to carefully give B'kit a nervous arm squeeze after he set the gift down on a table. "That's from another candidate who found out I was coming to see you. How are you doing? Are you feeling better? Am I allowed to cuddle or hug the rest of you yet?"

He wanted nothing more than to try to snuggle up to his friend, but he couldn't imagine that being struck by lightning would feel good at all.

RE: 742.01.20 | Visiting Hours - B'kit - 27.Jan.21

“Zory, it’s good to see you…” Kitt smiled at his friend and reached over with his good arm. “I suppose I feel as well as can be expected. I’m definitely improving, or so the Healers tell me when they aren’t dosing me with fellis or reapplying numbweed.”

He smiled again at the question about cuddles or hugs. “I’d like that a lot. Just be careful.” B’kit moved over to the couch with a little help--moving hurt, but the healers insisted it would help--waving off fussing blanket-wielding friends and mates as he settled in carefully. It was warmer in here anyway. Waiting for Zory to get comfortable, he leaned over against his friend.

“How was the Hatching? Nowhere near as dramatic as mine, I hear,” he teased gently. “Thank Faranth, or none of us would ever Stand.” He didn’t begrudge his friend for sitting that clutch out. It had been a memorable experience, that was for sure. If he hadn’t Impressed Erebuth, that might well have been the last time he stood.

RE: 742.01.20 | Visiting Hours - M'quel - 29.Jan.21

Madiquel trotted through the Weyr with an expression of determination that had most people she passed leaving her alone. The occasional person would try to stop her for conversation, but she managed to politely excuse herself without them stealing too much of her time. She was on a mission, and didn’t want to be interrupted. In her arms, she carried two thick books; one a note book filled with her own writing, and the other a tome she’d found, which included a small portion on handling lightning strikes. It wasn’t anything the Healers didn’t already know, but she’d found it fascinating and was working on writing up a detailed report to hand to Master Verec when she got back to the Healer Hall.

It was unfortunate that B’kit and Erebuth were struck by lightning – it would be unfortunate for anyone! – but Madiquel wanted to make the most of a bad situation and she loved learning. She’d been very careful not to poke or prod her friend or his dragon too much, and had mostly watched obsessively over the shoulder of Eb’zer when he worked on her friend. She was no less interested in the healing of Erebuth, but she didn’t want to be a dragon healer so much as a people healer.

Finally reaching the weyr she wanted, Madiquel slowed her determined trot to a walk, and finally stopped before the door. Her hand was up and knocking in her tell-tale manner, and she barely waited for J’shom to open the door before she was squeezing past him with a bright flash of a smile, and a quick ‘hi!’. “Kitt!” She cheered, happy to see him up and about, even mildly, and bounced over to the couch where her friend was sitting cuddled up with Zoremet, and she gracefully sunk to the floor cross legged. “Are you feeling a bit better today?” she asked curiously, slightly worried but also determined that he must be, because he was healing, and while she was sure he still hurt and felt like crap, she was also sure he had to feel slightly better than he had the previous day. Hopefully.

“I thought you might like to keep me company while I work on my report,” she grinned up at him, shifting around so she could lean her back against the couch near his legs, and set her books down beside her. While she hadn’t let him – or anyone else – read it, she hadn’t made any secret of the fact that she was doing up a report on B’kit’s experience and his healing process. She really did find the whole thing morbidly fascinating.

RE: 742.01.20 | Visiting Hours - B'kit - 30.Jan.21

Hearing Madiquel’s distinctive knock he grinned. “Hey Madi,” he greeted her cheerfully, though he didn’t shift from his comfortable lean against Zoremet. “I’m feeling okay. Tired, mostly, but I hate to think what I’d feel like if I didn’t have a thick coating of numbweed all over.”

He would probably have scars from the strange branching burns but thankfully the blisters were gradually healing and only a few had ruptured. Having seen some of the burn injuries after the fires at Ista, B’kit thought he’d gotten off relatively lightly despite how dramatic the injury was. Erebuth had been a good sport, enduring the poking and prodding from the healers, but they’d kept him dosed well which also helped keep the blue calm.

It weirded him out a bit that she was doing a report on him, but he supposed healers were just Like That. L’gan had written several detailed studies of the dragonets when they were younger, after all, and Eb’zer was always professional but certainly didn’t shy away from asking all sorts of questions. “Your curiosity is better than some folks’ pity, and you put up with a lot of my mooning about during Weyrlinghood,” Kitt said, with a small wink for his mate.

RE: 742.01.20 | Visiting Hours - Zoremet - 31.Jan.21

Zoremet gave Madiquel a lazy wave when she arrived, still comfortably settled in against B'kit. He knew this was all probably necessary and important stuff, but he couldn't help but feel that she should relax. "You could cuddle up here too while you write your report. Cuddles are good for healing right? Something about touch being important? So really we're helping Kitt yeah?"

It was good that Kitt was fine with all the curiosity and the healers running around. Zory didn't know how he'd feel about a healer poking and prodding and writing reports about him. It seemed so.... cold? Still he supposed it was a bit nicer if you were friends with the healer, and if you knew it would help someone else potentially. At least he hoped that whatever report they made would help. "What will the report do? Sorry if that's a dumb question... ah... I don't know much about healing. I'm guessing it'll help someone though? How often do people get struck by lightning when they fly?"

The question brought about unsettling thoughts. What if he Impressed a dragon and had to fly in a storm? Could he get struck? Would that be more likely than getting struck on the ground or under a tree? He'd heard stories before of those types of accidents, but he'd never paid them much attention except as a cautionary tale to not be under the tallest tree during a storm. Zoremet leaned his head against B'kit for a bit more comfort, glad that his friend was at least alive and seemingly doing well.

RE: 742.01.20 | Visiting Hours - M'quel - 02.Feb.21

“Numbweed is excellent,” Madiquel agreed enthusiastically, smiling brightly before turning her attention back to her notebook, flicking through the pages to get to the one she was up to. Most of the pages were filled with dot points and quick notes, things to be put into the article at a later time. She glanced back up with a frown at the mention of pity, and scrunched her nose up. “People are too quick to pity others,” she said frankly, thinking of their time in Weyrlinghood when everyone had expected their dragons to drop dead at any moment. Or that there must be something wrong with them for Impressing to the unwell babies. Madiquel puffed out a breath, and shrugged.

Madiquel giggled at the invitation to join in with the cuddling, but denied with a polite shake of her head, instead opting to stay down on the floor with her side pressed to B’kit’s leg. She could fell the warmth from his leg against her side, and was confident that she wasn’t causing any harm with the gentle pressure. “Its not a dumb question!” Madiquel promised, tilting her head and resting her chin on B’kit’s thigh so she could look up at the two of them without straining too much.

“Hopefully it will help if anyone else gets struck by lightning. I mean, I hope no one does, but I guess it happens. Most of the healers haven’t dealt with lightning strikes before, so I thought some detailed information on how Kitt handled it and how the Healers helped and how Kitt healed would be useful.” She shrugged one shoulder. “Like when our dragons Hatched. There was like, no information on how to help them. Now, if it were to ever happen again – which I hope it won’t! – we’ll be better equipped to make sure the babies grow up as strong as possible, with hopefully less issues than we had with Zezeth and her brothers.”

Madiquel was still hopeful that they’d eventually find some kind of miracle herb for Zezeth that would strengthen her bones so they weren’t so inclined to breaking. She’d never been so afraid as when Zezeth broke her leg trying to kill a herdbeast. She’d flat out banned her dragon from going anywhere near anything bigger than a werry since then!