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[G] [P] 740.07.22 | Preparations and Negotiations - Printable Version

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740.07.22 | Preparations and Negotiations - L'gan - 26.Jul.19

Might as well get this over with early, L’gan thought, taking off his riding gear and putting it away for the day. He walked down the hall to Verec’s office, knocking to see if he was already in. When he heard the Masterhealer call out for whoever it was to come in, he opened the door and stepped in.

“Good morning, Master Verec. Do you have a few minutes to discuss the upcoming hatching at Ista?” He waited for a reply and invitation to sit, still treading carefully after their last meeting, interrupted rudely by Semath’s sudden Flight. He had apologized profusely but still felt awkward about it. There was no good way to explain to anyone outside of Weyr life what the imperative was, and though he knew Verec was relatively open minded, considering everything the riders had done, he tried not to push his luck.

“I would like to volunteer to help cover the hatching, and with your permission I would like to request Eb’zer’s service as well.” He didn’t know a better way to bring it up so he just said it: “since we have both already Impressed, and he's already at Ista, you wouldn’t be risking losing any more Healers at this hatching, and with such a small clutch, I’m confident the two of us can manage it under your direction. Especially since Sariel will also be there and can assist if necessary.” He waited nervously for a response unsure what the reaction would be. He thought it was a good plan, and it was true- as Verec’s former apprentice Eb’zer was more than qualified to handle any traumas which might spring up.

RE: 740.07.22 | Preparations and Negotiations - Verec - 07.Aug.19

Verec didn’t hate dragonriders. He didn’t. They just made his life annoyingly complicated and were the source of too many headaches. But that didn’t mean he hated them. Verec even liked some of them. Namely his former students, even if interacting with them these days was…awkward. Especially now that some of them were his students again. They were Healers, but they were also dragonriders and it was an odd situation to navigate.

Didn’t mean he would stop complaining about dragonriders, though.

Like how their Hatchings were either perfectly tame and straightforward or absolute disasters and there was no way to predict which would be which. The upcoming one at Ista was an unknown, though Verec didn’t fully understand all the details. Something about the father? What he knew was that it was tiny, only six eggs, which was the smallest dragon clutch he’d ever heard of. Which, knowing hatchlings, would cause enough problems for at least twenty dragonets. Because why would this be easy.

When L’gan showed up at his office, Verec had been pointedly not thinking about dragons or dragonriders and was working his way through the current roster of which Healers were assigned where on Pern to make sure everyone was where it made most sense for them to be. The knock on his door wasn’t entirely unwelcome, as Verec was getting a headache from squinting at the tiny, cramped handwriting of the man who had written up the rosters. He’d need to find someone to do this next time with better handwriting, Verec decided, he was wasting far too much time trying to interpret what individual words were for the process to be efficient. Though when he called for the person to enter and L’gan walked in, Verec wasn’t sure if whatever was about to be said would make his headache less

“L’gan. Sit,” he said, hoping it was nothing too complicated. Thankfully, despite being about the Hatching, it wasn’t.

“You and...Eb’zer will both be added to the roster for the Hatching,” Verec said, hesitating a moment before Eb’zer’s name. He still had trouble remembering to use the honorific. Same issue with L’gan, truth be told, but he’d had longer to get used to the change. “Sariel, however, will not be serving as a Healer at the Hatching. If she is Standing as a Candidate, which as of the last time I checked she will be, than she cannot also be there in any capacity as a Healer.” That was idiocy, no one could expect her to be both things at once, it was both unfair to her and unsafe. If they were relying on her presence as a Healer, they would be behind if she were to Impress or be injured while Standing. No, Verec would not allow it.

“I will be choosing three others in addition to myself, all over thirty and less likely to be attractive to Candidates. You and Eb’zer will be allowed to work the Hatching, but only because you have both already Impressed. I instituted the new policy around a minimum age to work at a Hatching after last turn,” Verec said, the last part a touch darkly. He’d made it a rule that only Healers thirty turns or over could be posted at Hatchings after Eb’zer Impressed the turn before. That had been enough the dragonriders had taken from the Hall for nothing. Verec would tolerate no more of it.

“I assume that is acceptable to you?” Verec asked, voiced as a question but his expression made it very clear L’gan had no ability to change his decisions.

RE: 740.07.22 | Preparations and Negotiations - L'gan - 08.Aug.19

L’gan privately doubted Sariel’s willingness to back down if she even thought her healing skills were needed, but wisely didn’t say anything. He’d gotten on the roster, which was all he’d really wanted. He’d be there if she Impressed, or Faranth forbid was injured; he hoped for the former. Pushing gently and subtly for Sariel to get more surgical or trauma experience could wait.

“Thank you, sir. I understand. It’s perfectly acceptable.” L’gan replied, knowing any other answer would be idiotic.

He paused, then continued, “If the clutch follows the usual pattern, the touching will be in the next few days, with the hatching to follow a week or so later. Semath and I would be happy to provide transportation earlier or on the day, and I’m sure a few rooms can be spared at the Weyr if you wish for any of the attending healers go early to be on hand.” He’d made similar offers before, ferrying Healers to more remote posts if someone couldn’t be spared from Fort or a Weyr closer to the posting.