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[G] [C] [EVENT] 740.04.17 | I Am (Am I) My Father's Daughter - Printable Version

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740.04.17 | I Am (Am I) My Father's Daughter - Mylorah - 04.Jun.19

Mylorah thought she did well in keeping her cool when T'ryn and N'mor stopped by her tiny room she shared with three other girls. They were all out at the time otherwise she suspected the boys would have dragged her off to one of the weyrs to hit her with their request. Of course she knew it was T'ryn's birthday and she figured another big party would be had at Eridella's hold for him. What she didn't expect was the invitation to come along with them. The glint of mischief in N'mor's eyes told her he was likely responsible for the idea and that he would cause a bit of trouble for her whether she went or not. They all knew that R'nd knew who she was now yet continued to give her the space she clearly wanted which was nice of him, but the charade of pretending to be a date would no doubt end in a mess.

I can't...

She had told the boys she couldn't do it as she lowered herself onto her bed, staring at her bare feet. After they left, she continued to stay in that position, searching for the right answer. Should she continue avoiding her dad and his family or should she get it over with and properly meet everyone? Finally she moved to kneel before the chest at the foot of her bed. She didn't own much, mostly clothes, and everything was stored in the chest. Digging through until she hit the bottom, Mylorah found the leather strap with a ring on it and pulled it out. She gave it a moment's consideration before the chest was slammed shut and she bolted out the door and across the Weyr--still barefoot she realised when her feet touched the warm sand of the Bowl.

A few minutes later had her out of breath and knocking at F'drel's door. "F'drel? Fen?" She was starting to work herself up into what she suspected was a panic attack though she never really suffered from them. When he was too slow to answer, assuming he was even home, Mylorah just let herself in, shut the door behind her, and leaned against it while clutching the ring-turned-necklace to her chest. "F'drel? Are you home? Are you decent? I really need you right now." How the greenrider always seemed so calm and level headed was beyond her. Sure, she thought she held herself well and didn't give into anger or fear that often, but F'drel just had a way to him that made even her feel like she could improve. If anyone could give her advice and smack her with common sense, it'd be him.

RE: 740.04.17 | I Am (Am I) My Father's Daughter - F'drel - 06.Jun.19

F’drel frowned at the knocking on his door, putting the oil cloth he was holding down and gently setting the riding strap he held beside it. He was out on the ledge with Halomirth, oiling her riding straps and checking them over for any damage, but he could still hear his guest asking to be let in. It took a few moments for F’drel to stand and head inside to get the door, and in that time Mylorah had let herself into his weyr. He moved faster when he saw her, concerned. Most of the time Mylorah was well put together and in control, but she had something of a wild-eyed look about her, and her knuckles were almost white with how tightly she was holding something.

“I’m here,” he said softly, stepping up to rest a hand on her shoulder. “Mylorah, what’s wrong?” Because clearly something was wrong, F’drel had never seen her act like this before. But he knew panic when he saw it — turns of experience with it — and that was definitely what Mylorah was feeling. Why? What could have frightened her like this, she always seemed so capable of adapting to whatever came up. Perhaps she was better at hiding it that he’d given her credit for. He should know better, he was pretty good at the same, no reason Mylorah wasn’t capable of the same.

“Do you need to sit down?” he asked, briefly glancing over to his one chair before deciding against it. It was hard and wooden and not what Mylorah likely needed just then. “Here.” F’drel started leaning her towards his room, thinking maybe shed prefer to sit on the bed or make a blanket nest on the floor, or even just lie on the floor with a pillow. A’tay had done that, maybe his sister would find the same comfort in it. F’drel wasn't sure. But there were more options than the one less than comfortable chair.

RE: 740.04.17 | I Am (Am I) My Father's Daughter - Mylorah - 07.Jun.19

Mylorah nodded at the idea of sitting down and followed along to the bedroom where she resisted the urge to flop onto the bed and curl up in the blanket. She did, however, make sure F'drel sat down beside her because she wanted him close for the comfort he brought her--and she clung to his hand almost as tightly as she clung to the necklace. Now that she was sitting and had a friend with her, Mylorah focused on calming down but it didn't work as well as she hoped. What was wrong, he asked? So much!

"I need your help, advice I guess. It's T'ryn's birthday today, which isn't the issue, well, not really. See, his aunt, my aunt, our aunt, no his aunt, likes family gatherings and of course is hosting a big dinner in his honour because that's just what she does and she even did that for N'mor, her brother's mate's son. I wonder if she would do that for Z'rin as well? He's N'mor's mate and it'd be an excuse for another party." She was getting off track but it felt far more comfortable to speculate about the chances of Z'rin having a party than it was to think about the one T'ryn was currently getting ready to attend.

"He asked me to go. Which is super sweet of him and I'd expect nothing less from T'ryn. I've never been out there since no one knows about me. I didn't even go to the winter gather she hosted for dragonriders a couple of turns ago just so I wouldn't have to run into any of them. But... he knows, Fen. R'nd knows who I am." She hadn't told anyone when she found out R'nd finally caught on to the not-so-secret secret--it wasn't like they kept it quiet as she had a habit of pointing out who her brothers were. As far as she knew, T'ryn, N'mor, probably Z'rin because of N'mor, and maybe A'tay knew R'nd knew. How could she tell anyone when she didn't even know what to think about it and how considerate the bluerider was being?

"Two months ago, R'nd's mother died and it's silly of me because I never met her but I never even thought about having a grandma before learning of her death. T'ryn and A'tay said she was pretty cool for an old lady and it made me wonder how much I'm missing out, you know? But it never bothered me before. Anyway, R'nd gave T'ryn this ring that belonged to grandma to give to me with a message that he figured out I'm his daughter but he would wait until I was ready to meet him since I clearly wanted space." She opened her hand so F'drel could see the ring. It was a silver band with a pattern etched all the way around it but it suited her tastes and Mylorah was a bit disconcerted about how R'nd had known that. Maybe he didn't and he just gave her the most boring ring he could find. How could she know?

RE: 740.04.17 | I Am (Am I) My Father's Daughter - F'drel - 11.Jun.19

F’drel let Mylorah settle herself as comfortably as possible on the bed, letting her pull him along with her and sitting beside her. One hand was somewhat trapped in the death grip Mylorah had on it, but F’drel didn’t mind overly much and let her keep it, using the other hand to rub circles on Mylorah’s back in what was hopefully a soothing manner. Then he let her speak, listening to the rush of words without interrupting. The sheer amount of words was almost overwhelming, but F’drel had plenty of practice processing babbling from R’dal and as long as he took a moment he could catch everything. It wasn’t a skill he usually had to use with Mylorah.

Mylorah had said she’d needed advice, but throughout her rambling had never requested advice on something specifically. He was able to hazard a guess as to what advice she was looking for, but it also seemed like she was looking for advice on more than one thing. At least one of which involved feelings about her father, which F’drel felt he was singularly unqualified to provide advice on.

“You’re not sure if you should go to the party for T’ryn, and you’re not sure how to feel about R’nd knowing he’s your father.” He said, trying to summarize what advice she was looking for, both for him and for her, continuing to rub circles on her back. “I’m not sure how much I can help, really. Fathers aren’t something I have any experience with. I can talk with you to help you work through what you want to do?”

RE: 740.04.17 | I Am (Am I) My Father's Daughter - Mylorah - 15.Jun.19

“I’m such a jerk!” Mylorah stared in horror at F’drel when she realised his statement likely meant he didn’t know who his father was or that he was in the same boat as her and never had any contact with him despite knowing. She almost wanted to smack his arm and blame him for barely speaking about his life pre-dragon but she refrained. She knew plenty of people who didn’t share such things and when they did, she understood why. Kordiavis didn’t know who his dad was and his childhood was rough thanks to his mother’s mind frame after losing her dragon. She did wonder what hid in F’drel’s past and she wanted to help him let it go or rage or whatever it was he wanted to do or even did do when no one was around and he needed the release.

“We don’t have to talk about my silly family woes. My family is messed up and I know it,” she waited until F’drel gave confirmation that he was still fine with helping her and she managed a small smile at his kindness. It also helped calm her down some more so she wasn’t a babbling brook of words and she took a moment to think about what was really bothering her. “It was mom and Korlin for a long time. Her new mate was pretty good with us, too, though of course he loved his own child with mom better. Then the landslide took mom and Lintian and Not-really-but-kinda-was dad left Korlin and me.” Speaking of things in the past that was avoided… she didn’t speak about the landslide night that much; not many did. She loved her baby brother and even six turns later, his birthday and death day still hurt. He was a bit younger than A’tay but Mylorah knew some of her fierce protection of the young bronzerider came from not being able to protect Lintian.

“Anyway,” she cleared her throat, willing herself to get off that memory trip and focus on the issue yet another brother brought on her. “I have two wonderful new brothers and a sister and I never felt I needed a dad after all that. But maybe I do? Maybe I’m just tired of avoiding him and missing all the happy moments the others can share together. Sometimes it sucks hearing about what I missed because I’m stubborn or whatever you want to call it.” She was a grown woman. It wasn’t like she was in need of parental guidance. She hadn’t needed it since the landslide.

“Is it wrong to want to belong after so long?” She stared at the ring still in her palm. R’nd had made the gesture, quietly welcoming her to the family if she wanted it. She kind of did but the conversations it would bring about terrified her. “I don’t even know how to be a daughter anymore. What if they don’t like me? What if R’nd has this amazing idea of who I am and… I’m just not it. Why do I even care, Fen? I hate Telrynd and Indamor for putting this on me.” She clenched a fist around the ring, more annoyed than angry at the bronzeriders—that she purposely used their given names for since they were acting like brats with the torment they were putting her through.

“I have half a mind to just go, flaunting who I am and how they are the ones who missed out by not knowing me sooner. I don’t need their validation. Never did,” except, she did kind of want it now. But it made her feel better to remember that she didn’t and forced herself to sit a bit straighter.

RE: 740.04.17 | I Am (Am I) My Father's Daughter - F'drel - 17.Jun.19

“For what?” F’drel blinked at Mylorah in confusion. What was she a jerk for? Asking a friend for emotional support? Oh no, how dare she? He didn’t really consider bringing up the fact he didn’t know his father a big deal. He was a bastard of unknown lineage, whatever, so were most of his peers growing up. It seemed like half the Weyrfolk were the same, with most of the ‘brats having a lack of fatherly involvement. F’drel didn’t talk about it, but more because he didn’t say a whole lot of anything about himself than it made him emotional or upset when it was brought up. The man who had been his father was almost surely some asshole who had no trouble taking advantage of women in precarious positions and F’drel wasn’t missing out on anything by not knowing him.

Mylorah didn’t linger on whatever she thought she did that was jerkish, though maybe her attempt to change the topic from what was upsetting her was a result of her thinking she’d upset him in some fashion. F’drel wasn’t going to let her back out because she thought she’d upset him, not when she very much hadn’t and clearly needed to talk about the complicated tangle that was her feelings about her family. As she talked, F’drel squeezed her shoulder reassuringly, listening quietly. He understood having a mother die, how it had felt like the world around him was shattering and left him feeling adrift. Even with his siblings around to share the mourning with, he’d also felt himself pulling away, trying to fill some of the empty space their mother had left behind. It had left him isolated and vulnerable and that had gone so well for him. With an imperceptible shake of the head F’drel shoved that train of thought back as far as he could and focused every bit of his attention back on Mylorah, who had paused and seemed to be doing the same as he was before continuing.

“I think,” F’drel said slowly after Mylorah had finished speaking and seemed like she was done for the moment, “that ‘needing’ and ‘wanting’ are different things. And you can not need a father and still want one.”

RE: 740.04.17 | I Am (Am I) My Father's Daughter - Mylorah - 20.Jun.19

Mylorah sat quietly as she let F'drel's words of wisdom sink in. 'Need' and 'want' were definitely different things and from what she had seen of people being Searched and of Holders at gathers, she had a feeling her odd upbringing in a secluded forest helped her identify the difference more clearly and left her never truly wanting anything that she didn't need. They never used marks in Katila either so learning to trade them for items again showed her to focus more on the need and not the want. She had wanted a bracelet two summer gathers ago but she didn't need it so she didn't buy it. She might have once wanted a father but she didn't need one now either.

She wanted to belong, to have more than her brothers to call family, but was it needed? Would it change anything in her life for the better? She had friends, she was happy, she slept well at night... "A'tay told me not too long ago that he worries about me sometimes. Apparently I have loads of friends but I don't really open up to many and he doesn't want me to end up alone," because she apparently couldn't trust people enough to stay in her life. Her brother didn't have to say that, she already knew it. R'nd either didn't know about her or didn't care when she was born. Her mom and baby brother died. That idiot greenrider didn't want to keep her Korlin around. It was hard to open up to someone when there was a chance they would leave as well. Her brothers--and N'mor but he was pretty much a brother as well--were stuck with her no matter what and somehow Misharan and obviously F'drel had managed to gain her trust enough to let them see more than her surface. She was still afraid to settle down, give her heart to someone, though. In a way, she really was her father's daughter. Maybe one day she would find her own B'jin but Mylorah knew she wasn't ready for that day to happen just yet. She had to get over the fear of family accepting and keeping her.

"I want to go, Fen. I need to go. Even if it's just to say I did and find out what happens after today. But... I can't go with the bronze boys. They know everyone and they'll be comfortable there and... and... what if I need to leave early or have someone who understands?" Finally lifting her gaze from the ring, Mylorah shifted so she could properly give F'drel her most pleading look, "Will you come with me? Technically, will you bring me there and stay with me? Please?"

RE: 740.04.17 | I Am (Am I) My Father's Daughter - F'drel - 24.Jun.19

“If you’re ending up alone from not opening up to people, I’m ending up more alone than you are,” he said dryly, not worrying too much about how exactly being more-alone worked. If not opening up about your feelings isolated you F’drel was a fucking hermit. He could probably count the number of things people knew about him from his childhood on one hand. Might even have fingers left over. F’drel completely understood the desire to keep as much as possible hidden — you were less likely to get hurt. His concern lay more in being taken advantage of than being left, but he felt the same fear of being hurt by someone.

Which meant that of course he was going to agree to go to T’ryn’s party with her. F’drel didn’t particularly want to go to T’ryn’s party — he knew how many people? Mylorah, T’ryn himself, and A’tay? It’s not like he’d really talked to A’tay since Thallyath’s Flight, so that could easily be awkward. N’mor would certainly be there, and maybe Z’rin, which F’drel didn’t much want to deal with. Z’rin had joined him for lunch a few times to ‘catch up,’ which was awkward enough, but F’drel had never properly met N’mor, and while the man was weyrbred, he was also a bronzerider and F’drel was a bit reluctant to have to address the inevitable ‘hi, nice to meet you, I had sex with your mate, but it was our dragons so it’s okay’ when they were eventually formally introduced. And then R’nd would be there, and that would be awkward because F’drel wasn’t overly well-inclined towards the man since Mylorah wasn’t sure of him, and then R’nd’s mate, and then R’nd’s sister and all the Holder family. Overall far too many unknown people for F’drel to feel comfortable about.

Still, Mylorah was right about one thing; if he went, Halomirth would be able to bring him back whenever he (well, Mylorah) wanted. He wouldn’t be stuck there. Miri probably wouldn’t even complain too much about leaving friends because it would be for Mylorah, not just him being antisocial. And if he hung back, it would be acceptable because he was just he tag-along ride.

“I’ll take you there, I’ll stay with you, and I’ll bring you home when you decide to leave,” F’drel said seriously. “I won’t leave you to go alone. Though if you have any advice for me, please share, I know very little about most of the people who will be there.”

RE: 740.04.17 | I Am (Am I) My Father's Daughter - Mylorah - 24.Jun.19

“Thank you!” Mylorah finally let go of F’drel’s poor hand but only so she could throw herself at him in a hug. She honestly wouldn’t have gone no matter what she had decided if he said he wouldn’t go with her. Sure, her brothers and even N’mor and Z’rin would be there and give her strength but it meant more to have a fellow outsider and friend with her. F’drel treated her like a sister but he wasn’t actually family or someone she had grown up with and he still liked her and looked out for her. She also knew she could trust him to be honest with her and point out anything she might miss.

“I’ll tell you everything I know while we get ready,” she pulled away to glance over his outfit, wondering if he would want to change or not. She definitely needed to. “I need shoes if nothing else but I think I have a bit nicer of a dress I can change into as well. Do you want to change? Oh and Miri can get directions from Syrendryth and I bet he won’t even tell T’ryn because I get the feeling he’s teasing my brother constantly from the faces he pulls. Not that I’ll ever know since Syrendryth doesn’t talk to me, or anyone. Probably N’mor but who knows.”

Despite asking if F’drel needed to change, Mylorah didn’t make a move from the bed. If he did change, she’d turn the other way or close her eyes to respect any modesty he had but he had asked for advice and while she wasn’t an expert on the extended family, she would do what she could. “So, let’s start with R’nd and B’jin. B’jin is a lush and likes to flirt a lot with my Aunt Eridella and in front of their mates, too! Or is it husband? Anyway, don’t be shocked if they flirt with you, I guess? Sounds like it is harmless fun to them without follow up from what the Bronze Boys tell me.” She continued babbling any facts she knew about her extended family and the advice she had learned from her brothers over the years, not at all sure what would be useful. As she did so, the ring was eyed once more and while she knew she wanted to wear it, it was a matter of how. In the end, it stayed on the strip of leather and went around her neck.

RE: 740.04.17 | I Am (Am I) My Father's Daughter - F'drel - 24.Jun.19

F’drel hugged Mylorah back, letting her stay as long as she needed to and not moving until she leaned out of the hug first. She really did feel like a little sister, and while F’drel could visit his blood siblings fairly frequently, it wasn’t like having them live in the Weyr with him — which was a whole separate topic F’drel would one day have to address, because his siblings had expressed some interest in moving to the Weyr and while maybe it was better than being servants of Holders, they would still almost certainly be servants of dragonriders, and that still wasn't a perfect situation. Not that anything was when you were born in their situation. All options had their own problems.

He nodded as she said she wanted to change, and glanced down at his own outfit when she asked if he wanted to do so himself. Probably should. Not that he had any ‘nice’ clothes, but he had been oiling riding straps and some of the oil had gotten on his pants from where the straps rested against his legs while he worked on them. Wasn’t exactly ideal for meeting new people and making first impressions, so something that was clean was needed.

He stood up slowly, carefully moving off the bed to disturb Mylorah as little as possible, and went over to the closet to pick out some of the clothes that were the least worn. Mylorah didn’t seem inclined to leave just yet, so F’drel shrugged and started getting changed, though he did face towards the closet and away from Mylorah. Thankfully he didn’t need to change everything he was wearing.

“It would be her husband, yes,” F’drel said, voice a bit muffled as he pulled a new shirt over his head. He’d gotten used to how the Weyrs talked about things, learned most of the weird terms (he couldn’t swear he’d learned all of them, there were probably still some he’d never encountered), but he’d never forget all the complicated Holder terms. “Being mates is a lot less formalized than being married.” Not that it always made it easier to leave a mate, but it didn’t have that same structure to it. F’drel wasn’t looking forward to being flirted with by these people, regardless of whether they had a mate or a husband. He didn’t trust the opinion of bronzeriders who were related to the individuals in question on whether or not their flirting was serious or not. Still, he paid attention, taking in everything she said and adding further notes to it where he didn’t trust T’ryn, A’tay, or N’mor’s opinion on something — which was often. There were even a small few things he’d already heard from T’ryn.

“Do you want to go back to your room to change and meet me back here, or do you want me to go with you?” F’drel asked once he was suitably presentable and free of oil stains. Mylorah hardly needed help, and they’d end up coming back to his weyr anyway to get on Miri, but F’drel wasn’t sure if Mylorah wanted to be alone just then and felt he should offer to go with her just in case. Even if it was a little excessive.

RE: 740.04.17 | I Am (Am I) My Father's Daughter - Mylorah - 27.Jun.19

Mylorah nodded when F’drel corrected her on terminology or if she had a fact wrong. He might not know that particular Hold, but he knew Holds better than she did overall and probably still better than T’ryn despite the amount of time spent visiting relatives so she was more inclined to believe the corrections she was given and did her best to remember them. Still, she continued on, trying to name relatives and what the Hold was known for until she was interrupted with a rather important question.

Originally, she had thought F’drel would come with her so they could continue talking but he silently pointed out the failed logic in that. “I didn’t even think about Miri and how she both needs to get ready and might like to take off from her ledge more than the sandy ground,” Mylorah laughed at her oversight, and boy did it feel nice to laugh again after all the worrying she managed to cram into such a short amount of time. “I guess I better run down and get changed. I’ll do my best not to make you wait too long since you’re already doing me such a massive favour!”

Mylorah jumped to her feet and started to dash for the door but stopped just shy of the sitting area to turn back to F’drel, “I think I’m going to owe you forever if I survive this meeting,” again she laughed but she was also completely serious. She was asking a lot of her rather reclusive friend and she’d do whatever he wanted, possibly for turns to come, to repay his kindness.

“I’ll be back soon! Don’t forget to get directions!” She called just before bolting out the door to make the journey back across the Weyr to her little shared room.