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[G] [P] 740.01.10 | Head in the Clouds - Printable Version

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740.01.10 | Head in the Clouds - N'reh - 17.Jan.19

Nerreh swore quietly as she tripped for the fifth time on the walk across the Weyr bowl. Stupid. Should watch where she was going, but Faxx was insisting on showing off her flying. Again. Silly dragon had decided flying was the best thing ever and was spending every second they weren’t required to be doing something else in the sky. And making her dear, darling rider watch every little midair twirl and roll and dive and whatever else. Which meant it took an extra, like, twenty minutes to cross the bowl because Nerreh kept falling over when she tried to walk and appease her dragon’s demands for attention at the same time.

You’re just jealous you can’t fly, Faxxonth said smugly, executing a smooth roll before flaring her wings and pulling up short to practically pose in the air.

“You’re just vain and compensating for the fact that you can barely walk,” Nerreh grumbled, kicking a rock out of her path so she wouldn’t trip on it or something. She was, despite her griping, very proud of Faxx’s flying — little girl could practically out-fly all the other weyrlings. Definitely all the other greens, every blue, and pretty much every brown, and Nerreh still thought — and Faxxonth agreed — that Faxx was better than all the browns and the bronzes too, but someone else might argue with them about it. Some bullshit about stamina, probably, which Nerreh thought was a dumb argument. Didn’t matter if you could fly for six hours if it was only in a straight line. Bronzes and browns just didn’t like to admit a green was better than them at anything. Faxx showed how much she agreed with another showy twirl. The dragon was about to speak — probably something snide about brown dragon intelligence — when Faxxonth was distracted by a dragon appearing from between not too far away.

Faxx squeaked in surprise, and Nerreh jumped a little bit on the ground below, startled along with her dragon. She squinted up against the sun to try to identify the dragon, but Faxx beat her to it.

Edath and his rider, she chirped, beating her wings to bring herself closer to the blue pair. Faxx liked them well enough — R’dal was Nerreh’s friend, and Edath was alright. Friends were always good. And maybe Edath would compliment her flying! She quickly got up to their friends, excitedly darting around them and being overall an enormous hindrance to Edath getting anywhere.

Hi, Faxxonth said, getting as close to Edath’s face as she dared, your rider should hang out with mine, cause they’re friends, and we just finished chores and hadn’t decided what to do next. Your timing is excellent. Wait, you aren't supposed to be doing something, are you? she asked curiously, considering them. Well, if you were, you aren’t anymore. C’mon! And with a final circle around Edath, Faxx dove towards the ground and Nerreh, assuming the blue would follow. Nerreh was great, so of course R’dal would want to hang out with him. She landed neatly a few lengths from her rider, and immediately stumbled as she took a step closer to Nerreh. Nerreh snorted in amusement, figuring R'dal and Edath would join them soon enough.

RE: 740.01.10 | Head in the Clouds - R'dal - 20.Jan.19

As per the new norm, R'dal didn't have much planned and any duties he had were already taken care of. So of course that meant going to Ista Weyr to see his friends. He had considered transferring there since a vast majority of the people he spent his time with lived there but he was still against the idea of living under his father's rule. It hadn't quite become obvious to him yet that it didn't matter where he lived as everyone knew his dad was a Weyrleader and people would potentially treat him differently for that.

But until he came to the decision to move, R'dal was happy to make the trip to the warm island and hop around between friends that weren't busy. He had thought about checking up on his little sister and brothers but an excited young dragon suddenly made that a bit more difficult and had a way of changing his plans. R'dal smiled and waved to Faxxonth while Edath gave a sigh of irritation at having to maneuver around the pest--though he didn't overly mind the green dragon that much when they were on the ground.

He's just excited and showing off his skills, R'dal chided his oddly grumpy dragon. Edath was pretty chill and went along with most anything, but he was probably nervous about an accident. That seemed to be the only thing that set the blue on edge as Edath took their safety rather seriously. She, R'dal. Why do you insist she is blue? Her energy and antics in the sky should show you her colour if not her actual hide. R'dal crinkled his nose as he made a face at the reminder. He had always seen Faxxonth as blue and couldn't understand why literally every single other human and dragon seemed to think he was a she. Maybe this was one of those times where his friends calling him odd or quirky fit and he was just viewing it all wrong.

They landed soon after Faxxonth and roughly in the same area before making their trip to Nerreh in a much smoother fashion. R'dal was glad he didn't have a clumsy dragon since he already had a best friend that could trip over his own feet that he had to look after. Two of them to keep an eye on would be exhausting! "Hey, Nerr! Faxxonth, you're looking great in the sky!" He greeted them both as his own feet hit the ground and he was soon giving Nerreh a hug, as was his custom greeting for friends.

"Once you get the clear to ride on your own, we'll never see you anymore. I think Faxxonth is going to keep you busy with trips, won't you?" His gaze went to the dragon and R'dal's eyes widened as he saw the change of colour on Faxxonth's muzzle. He quickly forgot about the human and went up to the dragon to examine the patch more closely.

"Edath, check this out!" Edath took a step closer and R'dal smiled when the shadow of the dragon's large head crept over him to do as told. "That's a gorgeous dark blue coming in. LIke the night sky!" At Edath's low rumbling of warning that he was doing it again, R'dal actually rolled his eyes but obligingly amended, "or a very dark green like the forest at night. Either way, I can't wait to see your adult hide." And he meant it. Edath's hide didn't change all that much and R'dal recalled being a combination of disappointed that he didn't have some amazing new colour and relieved because he liked the darker shade of his baby hide. Faxxonth was going to have one of the wild changes and it was going to be exciting.

RE: 740.01.10 | Head in the Clouds - N'reh - 22.Jan.19

“Lucky her, since she’s looking unimpressive as always on the ground,” Nerreh said with an eye roll as she hugged R’dal back. Faxx’s inability to walk was endearing, and Nerreh had no interest in changing it — she was just obligated to give her dragon shit about it every chance she got. Faxx knew she didn’t mean it. The conveniences of mind links.

“I’m pretty sure the only thing that will stop her from living in the sky is the fact she needs to rest.” One of the good things about all the flying Faxxonth did these days was that it tired her out, so she spent more time napping and less time knocking things over being a nuisance to everyone. Though really, Nerreh usually only pretended to be annoyed at Faxx playing tricks on other dragons or people — most of them were actually pretty entertaining. Nerreh gave Faxxonth’s leg a pat, and froze in the action when R’dal seemed to notice something on Faxx’s nose.

At the bluerider’s words, Faxxonth stared wide eyed at R’dal. Her nose was what now? She went cross-eyed trying to see her own nose and her adult colors and sat down heavily as she got a little dizzy. She was going to be a proper adult soon! With new hide and everything! How exciting! Some of her clutchmates had their full adult hides already, like Xyxyth, but Faxxonth hadn’t realized hers was starting to appear. That meant big changes, if R’dal’s words were anything to go by. Suddenly bashful Faxx hid her nose against Nerreh’s shoulder.

I don’t look silly with a splotchy nose, do I? she asked, voice full of concern. She didn’t want to look silly, she wanted to look pretty, and Faxx recalled some of her clutchmates looking very undignified with their half-changed hides. What if she looked as bad as that?

“You’re still the prettiest dragon in the clutch, little girl, don’t worry about it,” Nerreh reassured her, while also taking a closer look at the nose herself. She hadn’t even really noticed the changes, they had been so gradual and she saw Faxx all the time, but her dragon’s nose really was much darker. The hide around her eyes was turning the same color, making her somewhat resemble a teenage girl who had just discovered eyeliner and hadn’t gotten good at it yet (Nerreh had never had that phase, generally thinking makeup was dumb and looked silly on her). There was also a little darker splotch on Faxx’s left headknob, which was actually pretty cute. Taking the look at the rest of her dragon, Nerreh noticed some of the darker points on Faxxonth’s feet, tail tip, and wing tips, though it hadn’t spread very far yet. She wondered how long it would be until the entire hide had changed color.

Already Nerreh had mostly forgotten that R’dal had called the darker color ‘blue,’ brushing it off as R’dal being R’dal. Faxxonth had always been a very bluey-green, and would probably be a very blue-green adult, just darker, apparently. The blue was probably just stronger in the sunlight. Probably. Nerreh didn’t want to think too hard on it, would just get confusing or disappointing, which she didn’t want — Impressing a blue would have been cool, but Faxxonth was the most perfect dragon ever and Nerreh would not be disappointed about her, or let her girl feel like she wasn’t good enough or something. Faxxonth was better than any blue and Nerreh didn’t want her own weird feelings to give her dragon self esteem problems.

“I hope it comes in fully soon, so I don’t have to deal with too much of Faxx worrying about if she’s still pretty,” Nerreh said, scritching Faxxonth’s headknobs and grinning at R’dal, clearly not concerned about it at all. Faxx purred at all the attention, and glanced up at Edath — he was the only one there she hadn’t gotten a compliment from yet, and she was kind of hoping to complete the full set.

RE: 740.01.10 | Head in the Clouds - R'dal - 23.Jan.19

"Nothing to worry about, Faxxonth! It just means you're growing up and getting closer to graduation. No one's gonna pick on you because all the other dragons went through it as well and their riders understand the process. Anyone who tries to tease you is just uninformed and needs to pay attention to their Candidate classes." R'dal gently patted Faxxonth's neck, confident the dragon wouldn't have any issues, even with what looked to be a dramatic hide change. He just couldn't fathom people being purposely mean to anyone, least of all young dragons! They were just growing up and even kids went through awkward phases where they grew more than others or had long limbs or a big nose to grow into. That was just how life worked and he didn't see the point in teasing anyone about things they couldn't even control.

I agree with R'dal. Besides, you're still pretty, maybe even more so now. The dark spots make you more unique and stand out. I like them and I'm sure many others will as well. Edath nudged R'dal out of the way so he could do his own neck nuzzling, taking a couple of steps closer so he could first touch snouts with Faxxonth to show he did like her dark spot, and then brushed his head along her neck. When he was finished with his quick hug of sorts, Edath sat back and R'dal swore there was a delightfully mischievous look in his eyes. You're likely to be rather popular but I hope I'm still there for your first Flight.

R'dal's mouth dropped open at the comment he knew had to be for all of them, though he sort of hoped Nerreh had been excluded. He knew Edath was a flirt and they had chased other greens from time to time over the last two turns but this was the first time Edath was propositioning a green that not only had a female rider but a rider he called a friend. Honestly, with how little female riders there were --or was, since a recent clutch Impressed several-- R'dal felt his odds of bedding one were pretty slim, considering how many blues and browns always gave chase and were better at it than Edath and him.

For once, R'dal really didn't have a reply and was suddenly shy. He wondered if his face was turning red from the embarrassment. "Sorry, if you heard that," he mumbled to Nerreh, still unsure of what else to say. They were both 'brats and grew up together, so it wasn't like much was left to be embarrassed about or to be kept a secret but R'dal felt like learning a dragon liked yours but his rider that was your friend didn't seem down for the same idea might be counted as awkward and a fact that wasn't needed.

RE: 740.01.10 | Head in the Clouds - N'reh - 24.Jan.19

Nerreh choked on air the same moment Faxxonth — true to form — squeaked in surprise, both staring wide-eyed at Edath. Well, fuck. That was a bridge she hadn’t wanted to think about crossing just yet. Judging from Faxx’s speechlessness, Nerreh’s little girl hadn’t thought about it either. Well, maybe that meant they had some time yet, so Nerreh tried to brush off that particular fear about the future by teasing her friend. Really, she hadn’t expected R’dal of all people to get so blushy.

“Sure did, buddy,” Nerreh said with a pat to the back of R’dal’s shoulder, “Loud and clear. Tell me, is Edath usually a cradle snatcher, or should Faxx feel extra special?” With a grin she wiggled her eyebrows at him, trying to make light of everything. Instead of dwelling on the fact that dragon shenanigans may end up in sex with childhood friends who were most definitely not into you. Probably because he was strictly into men — which was a whole ‘nother set of complicated feelings Nerreh would like to ignore as long as humanly possible — and not because R’dal had any particular problem with her personally, but still. Felt weird. Teasing him was easier.

Faxxonth took the opposite route — overthink everything. She blinked at Edath, not sure how to respond. This aspect of being green just hadn’t been on Faxxonth’s mind before; it hadn’t been important, so she hadn’t thought about it. But now it seemed she was going to have to think about it, if blues were going to be flirting with her. Expecting her to fly. Oh, dear. Did she even like blues? Faxxonth didn’t know. She hadn’t thought this far ahead. She didn’t have to figure it out yet, did she? She was still all splotchy, no matter what Edath said. And unless she was very mistaken she wouldn’t be Flying any time soon. So she didn’t have to worry about it! Or would her new hide color force her to address it… Everything was far too complicated. Faxxonth had just wanted confirmation that she didn’t look silly! She pressed closer to Nerreh, wanting reassurance from her life-mate, even if she was keeping most of her current thoughts from him. It would be fine. Nerreh stroked her neck softly, still focused on teasing R’dal for his dragon’s words.

Overthinking done for the moment, Faxxonth decided that she liked at least some of what Edath said — she was pretty and other dragons would like her. That was good! She rested her head against Edath’s shoulder for a heartbeat in thanks for the compliment before pulling it back — wouldn’t do to give him ideas.

RE: 740.01.10 | Head in the Clouds - R'dal - 27.Jan.19

R'dal sighed. Of course Edath was heard by one and all. Normally his dragon was the one to keep him on track and stop him from daydreaming during a task or point out something he may have missed but he was a flirtatious beast and seemed to forget his guardian-like duties when he was around pretty ladies. "Maybe both? He flirts with any female that pays him attention. Dragon or human. He likes the interaction and attention he gets from it." Edath was a lot like his rider when it came to cuddling as he seemed to enjoy it with both male and female dragons but R'dal didn't think of himself as a flirt, just friendly. And while he had talked abut Flights with R'dare, it felt different than doing so with Nerreh. Was it because R'dare was male and a bluerider, oh and someone he sometimes had sex with? Was it weird to discuss Flights with a woman and a greenrider? Maybe. It did feel kind of gross to say they were going to chase someone and felt like bragging or staking a claim on them with a win. Thinking a bit more on it, R'dal couldn't recall ever discussing Flights with F'drel, a male greenrider. So maybe it was the green portion of the equation that made it weird.

"Anyway, don't mind him," R'dal had recovered from his embarrassment, thanks to Nerreh being so chill about the whole thing and breaking the tension that could have escalated into a mess. "You'll do that whole thing when you're ready. We only started chasing two turns ago when Edath and I were both ready for it." He didn't remind any of them that while he Impressed almost six turns ago, he had done so several months before he turned fourteen so it only made sense that they wouldn't have been ready to chase for almost three turns.

"And despite his flirting, we don't even enter that many Flights." R'dal suspected that was due to Edath checking out the competition so he knew who to avoid in the air or in general. It was pretty clever, if that was the reason, but R'dal didn't mind the reason as he appreciated not having his days constantly thrown out of whack because his dragon was horny and needed to try for some literal tail.

RE: 740.01.10 | Head in the Clouds - N'reh - 31.Jan.19

Nerreh shrugged at R’dal as if to say ‘Dragons. What can you do?’ She had always been of that opinion as a ‘brat and knowing plenty of dragons who were weird, but being bonded to Faxxonth brought the understanding to a whole new level. Dragons were plenty strange without being bonded to them, being bonded just let you see even more of the strangeness. Which apparently included dragons who would flirt with anyone considered female and whatever the fuck Faxx was.

“What, no embarrassing Flight stories from you two, then? I’m disappointed,” she teased, elbowing R’dal playfully. Not that she really cared about whatever R’dal got up to, but she couldn’t help trying to get him to blush again. Would probably fail, but hey, you never knew. It didn’t occur to Nerreh to find anything about it weird. R’dal was still just her weird childhood friend, in her mind, not a bluerider to her greenrider. But Faxx didn’t seem to be bothered much about the color hierarchy, and considering she was still essentially a teenager, the real differences in dragon colors hadn’t become totally real yet. Nerreh could still ignore the implications for a little longer. Sure, she got some shit for being a girl on a fighting dragon, but most people just shrugged it off as a fluke due to her being weird and boyish. Some people had sneered about how she’d only Impressed ‘cause Faxx couldn’t tell Nerreh wasn’t actually a boy — Faxxonth had a few things to say about that though it was usually less words and more shrill angry shrieking. Nerreh sometimes even tried to calm Faxx down instead of watching in dark amusement. But Nerreh didn’t dwell on it just then; teasing her friend was far more important.

“Who are your favorite greens, Edath?” Nerreh asked in a had tone of utmost innocence, looking up at the blue, “Other than Faxx, obviously, that’s a given. But you gotta have favorites if you don’t chase that often, no?” Faxxonth hummed in agreement, joining her rider in looking up at Edath, face full of innocence. She was nosy, so what? And she wanted to know about the pretty, interesting greens Edath liked! Greens were fun, and Faxxonth wanted more green friends.

RE: 740.01.10 | Head in the Clouds - R'dal - 02.Feb.19

R’dal frowned but also managed to look embarrassed at the same time, the conflicting emotions working in tandem for the topic of Flights and what stories he had. “Not really. We haven’t won yet and losing isn’t that fun for many reasons.” He was younger and skinnier than most of the riders so he was usually the one that ended up being tossed around by a stronger and crankier fellow loser. Honestly, it didn’t bother him that he didn’t win, but losing definitely had a whole new meaning with Flights. Truthfully, he was a bit scared of what would happen if he won. He hoped he wouldn’t be as aggressive as the losers he had been with but he also worried someone would take offence to his winning and seek some sort of revenge on him or the greenrider. Flights were a downside to being a dragonrider and if he didn’t love Edath so much and want his dragon to be happy, he’d do his best to avoid them at all costs.

He was just about to come up with a story or try to change the subject when Nerreh beat him and asked Edath a question. R’dal knew the answer, sort of, since they had a favourite green pair to spend time with, but he was kind of curious if there were others that he didn’t know about. One lives here, actually. Halomirth, bonded to F’drel. She’s very sweet and a lot of fun. You will like her. R’dal lit up and smiled, nodding in agreement. It was the answer he expected and the one he definitely supported. “She’s great! So is F’drel, Nerreh. He’s pretty quiet most of the time but he likes naps and cuddles, so you know he’s a good guy.” To R’dal, that was a fairly accurate way of measuring a person. If they didn’t give good hugs or didn’t like cuddling—he knew a faker when he found one—then they were likely not someone he wanted to be around a lot.

Edath mentioned a couple of greens back in Fort that he liked to visit as well but they didn’t go to Telgar all that often so they didn’t know anyone there as well now. Though Larrikith isn’t too bad. She’s much older and mated, but I will sometimes greet her and chat a little if I see her. That one only slightly surprised R’dal, since he knew Larrikith was a funny dragon and liked to pick on B’jin and even R’nd, but he didn’t know Edath really spoke to her.

“What about you two? Do you get along especially well with anyone in class? It’s good to have classmates you get along with both on a social level and for learning and growing together.” R’dal had been so relieved when R’dare Impressed at the same Hatching. He had a lot of friends but they had always been close and he knew he could rely on R’dare if things got tough or he stumbled along the way. “I know you’ve been stuck with them for a while now but that just means you really know them.”

RE: 740.01.10 | Head in the Clouds - N'reh - 04.Feb.19

“Aww, sounds like you guys have a crush,” Nerreh grinned, gently shoving R’dal with her elbow, “Cute.” It really was, even if her tone was mostly teasing. That’s just what friends do — give each other shit. And sure, maybe he wasn’t actually head over heels crushing on the guy, but considering Halomirth was the first green Edath thought of as his ‘favorite’ and R’dal went from frowny and embarrassed (haha, success) to absolutely beaming at the mention of the greenpair, Nerreh felt fairly confident in her assessment. “You need to tell me more details, you know, because I’m your friend and I care about your happiness and shit,” Nerreh told R’dal very seriously. And she did! She was just also very nosy and had no love life of her own to focus on, so she had to live vicariously through her friends.

Not that she was hopeless about relationships and sex and stuff, but it wasn’t something she did a lot of, especially since Faxx had shown up (though apparently the weyrlings were old enough they could all get laid again, according to a recent lesson that had made a number of people’s days). It was just a lot more complicated for Nerreh than other people made it out to be. She liked guys, but every time one started treating her like a girl when it came to flirting, Nerreh wanted out. It just made her stomach twist and throwing up on a boy wasn’t conducive to kissing him, it really wasn’t. It was a little better with girls, and Nerreh had some experience there, but there were a lot fewer women that were into women than men into women, even in a place like the Weyrs, so girls who were into Nerreh back were harder to find. At least she wasn’t a virgin? Didn’t make the fear of Faxx Flying go away, really, but it could have been worse.

At almost the same time Nerreh spoke, Faxxonth sat up straighter and nodded her head excitedly. I’ve met Halomirth! She’s come to say hi to us before! she told Edath. ‘Us’ being the young dragons of Faxxonth’s clutch. The big green liked visiting them, making sure she met them all it least once. Edath was right, she was sweet. Faxxonth had never seen her rider with her, though, she seemed to stop by on her own, but it seemed like he was nice too. Maybe next time Halomirth came around Faxxonth would have to get to know her better. She mentally noted the rest of the names too, in case she ever had a chance to meet them.

R’dal’s question had Nerreh making a face. She gave a halfhearted shrug, not really sure if she had a good answer. “Dunno? ‘Tay’s in the class, and he’s a good kid, even if Faxx thinks Xyxyth is a bit full of himself. Bronzes, am I right? And there’s the Healer — he’s alright, and Faxx likes his dragon. And then my cousin’s ex-boyfriend is in the class, a blue, so that’s a little weird, considering I know way too many details of that relationship, but he’s decent and I sorta know him a little. But no one’s like, my super-amazing-awesome-bestie or anything.” Nerreh shrugged again. She had a hard time getting close to people, alright? Friends, sure, she had those, but there wasn’t anyone in the class Nerreh considered herself especially close to. Other than Faxx, obviously, but that was a given and not the question.

“Position’s still open, if you want it, but you’ve already got R’dare for that,” Nerreh said with a smile, shaking off any not so nice thoughts about having friends. She didn’t mind at all that she wasn’t R’dal or R’dare’s best friend — forcing a best friend just didn’t work, though maybe she should start taking applications.

RE: 740.01.10 | Head in the Clouds - R'dal - 06.Feb.19

"Sorry, Nerreh, you're stuck with me and I bet R'dare as well. You haven't gotten rid of us yet with your Impression and that's not gonna change with your graduation. I just wanted to make sure you weren't lonely when we weren't around." While R'dal knew Nerreh could definitely take care of herself--and had proven it back in their youthful days in Katila with play fighting and real fighting--he still cared about her, and despite the earlier awkwardness of not wanting to share Flight details, Nerreh was one of the guys and a trusted friend. Still, even with the knowledge Nerreh would knock someone's teeth out for the wrong comment, R'dal was glad she Impressed in Ista where more people were okay with a girl on a fighter dragon and she had A'tay as a bronzerider to watch her back as well. Maybe she'd stay in Ista as well after graduating. Maybe he'd have to transfer as well given how many friends lived there, but his dad being Weyrleader meant people might treat him differently if he was an actual resident.

"And what do you want to know about F'drel?" R'dal realised he hadn't answered her prodding for details about the green pair and thought it was odd the way she phrased it. Why would his happiness and shit be a concern? They were friends that hung out a lot and he didn't think F'drel would ever purposely hurt him in any way. F'drel was also friends with D'hys so if they ever did get into any trouble, D'hys would help them out. "We met at Casa's beach party where I shared my dried berries. Umm... we're usually at his weyr, he has a good view so we stargaze a lot with the dragons or nap with them. He's just really chill and easy to be around." He couldn't think of anything else that seemed important or exciting, but he was confident Nerreh would ask questions if she wanted to know more.

RE: 740.01.10 | Head in the Clouds - N'reh - 02.Mar.19

“Nah, not lonely,” Nerreh said with a shake of the head, mostly being honest, “though if anyone else tells me I should be friends with that girl cause ‘you’re both girls on green,’ I am going to scream.” It was dumb, the other girl was so fucking annoying and always thought they should hang out, or oil their dragons together or something stupid, because ‘girls on fighting dragons should stick together’ and Nerreh didn’t care, she didn’t want to stick together if it was with this girl. Some of the other girls on fighters? Sure, Nerreh would be fine hanging out if like, Indivara was in her Weyrling class, or Daelyne, she was great, even Tala, probably. Vessaelia sounded pretty bad, though, so at least Nerreh hadn’t gotten stuck with the only terrible girl on a fighter dragon on Pern. Had still gotten stuck with her, and all the decent ones were in sharding Telgar and therefore unreachable for another month or two at least. Ugh.

“Dunno, anything you want to tell me, I guess?” Nerreh scrunched up her nose, thinking. The more R’dal talked about the greenrider, the less convinced Nerreh was they were a thing. Or at least, R’dal probably was oblivious about it all. He was talking about sharing dried berries at Casa’s infamous sex party, of all places, and unless that was a weird new euphemism she hadn’t heard before, it didn’t actually sound like they’d, uh, ‘participated’ in the activities of the evening. Which was probably one of the most R’dal things possible, really. But even if they hadn’t done anything at Casa’s party, they totally could have in the months since. So her questions still weren’t really answered. Hmm.

“Actually, one question. Are you and F’drel friends like you and R’dare are friends, or like you and I are friends?” By which Nerreh very much meant ‘are you friends who hook up or friends who very much do not do that?’ Chances were R’dal might not pick up on what she meant, but whatever. Worth trying.

RE: 740.01.10 | Head in the Clouds - R'dal - 02.Mar.19

“R’dare is R’dare and you’re you so it’s not like F’drel and I can have a friendship that is anything other than what we have.” R’dal was confused over the question, trying to figure out what was actually meant by it. Sure, he had a bunch of friends and he got along with them all in much the same way but they all held something unique when he hung out with each one as well. So it was a little hard to say which friend F’drel was more like until Edath gave him a little mental nudge that pointed him back to the conversation they had just been having about sexual interests.

R’dal started laughing as he clued in entirely to the interest Nerreh had with wanting to know more about the new guy in her friend’s life and gave her a mischievous grin. “It’s very tempting to let you guess or leave you thinking what you want but that wouldn’t be fair to F’drel.” Despite what a lot of people thought about him, he wasn’t entirely oblivious—most of the time. He had caught on pretty easily that F’drel wasn’t a fan of crowds and socialising and while he knew the greenrider had other friends like Mylorah, D’hys, and Z’ia (he was another fun guy and R’dal approved of the friendship!), there was a suspicion that F’drel wouldn’t like being the topic of gossip.

“Our friendship is like yours and mine. Well, except he doesn’t talk about other people and what’s bugging him like you do—which is my very subtle way of telling you to give me all the details about the other girl while Faxxonth shows us some more of that crazy flying skills.” R’dal gave Nerreh a wide smile, knowing she didn’t need that much nudging to vent or to watch her dragon perfect the art of flying. “Edath can be our seats. We can lounge on his back and watch the show.” It was a good plan. Faxxonth got in some practice and exercise so the Weyrlingmaster would be happy, the humans got to be lazy and keep hanging out with a friend so they’d be happy. Definitely win-win…win.