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[G] [C] [EVENT] 739.07.24 | A Call For Help - Printable Version

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739.07.24 | A Call For Help - M'ris - 02.Aug.18

Since becoming Weyrleader, M’ris had grown accustomed to waking at far too early of a time, essentially rising with the sun. Mosiath often slept on his ledge as he enjoyed the breeze and watching those that became more active at night. If anyone ever wondered how M’ris knew so much about their activities, they only had to look to the large bronze figure beside him that played informant. But Mosiath was also as effective as a rooster when it came to waking humans in his care since the lightening sky woke him long before the rays would ever have a chance of reaching M’ris in his darkened bedroom.

So the firelizard that came for him found M’ris drinking a mug of klah as he soaked in a tub of hot water—something he used to do at night but the heat wave of late had him bathing in the morning to wash away the night’s sweat. The pudgy blue flit appearing before his face was enough to startle M’ris into shaking his mug, splashing the revitalizing liquid into his bath. With a curse, he shot to his feet and out of the tub, not at all pleased at being disturbed and wasting some of his drink.

“What do you want?” he grumbled as he snatched the letter the firelizard held. He didn’t recognise the creature but as Weyrleader he was growing used to random visits like this, though they had yet to catch him in the bath. Still grumbling, the mug was set on a table as M’ris moved closer to the glowstone to read the letter and then read it once more, convinced he had misunderstood something.

A wildfire was spreading and heading towards the towns. This damnable heat truly was going to be the death of them all! M’ris’ only relief came in the form of having a watch dragon stationed where he did, believing this had helped save lives. He didn’t want to think about what would have happened if no one noticed the flames until they were on top of the town.

The Lord of Ista was asking for aid in taming the flames and helping anyone that might be in trouble. A small, very small, part of M’ris wanted to decline. The Holders had been giving him a hard time since the last Hatching when it came to safety and who they were now allowed to Search, but even in his pettiest of moments, he didn’t think he could condemn innocents to death because their Lord was sometimes a dick.

“Mosiath!” He called, not bothering with the delicacy of mental communication as he began dressing. “Rouse the Weyr. This is not a drill. The Ista Holders need the dragonriders and we’re not going to disappoint them. I want everyone dressed in their riding leathers and dragons geared up fully as well in fifteen minutes. Everyone is to meet in the lower bowl. Inform the Weyrlingmaster that he is to stay with his class as they are too young yet to help. Non-riders will gather in the dining cavern and wait for Ameris to brief them on the situation and I’ll have her help organise them with whatever duties she can come up with.” M’ris wasn’t certain how those without dragons could help, he wasn’t even sure how those with dragons could. That was something he would discuss in a quick meeting with the wingleaders.


M’ris laughed bitterly at that. He had the smallest population to work with even when fully populated and still he had been putting off the task of organising them again. He shouldn’t have, knowing the riders were growing lazy and bored and the dragons needed the exercise just as much but the extreme heat had made him put it aside again and again. His only break came in the form of a bored young bronzerider with a broken heart – or so rumours suggested. T’ryn had handed him slips of paper only a couple of weeks earlier that had all of the dragonriders of Ista organised into two wings. It wasn’t perfect and some names had question marks beside him as T’ryn didn’t know them well enough to make proper judgement. But a scan through the work showed it was rather well thought out with strengths and weaknesses evenly spread out.

He grabbed the lists, stuffing them in his pocket as he ran up to Mosiath to gear him up. His mind was racing with how they could help and what size of wings would work best and if they would need to work in shifts if it went on too long. It was going to be hard to make such calls without seeing what they were working with but given what he knew from the report, splitting the two wings into four for the time being would be a good place to start so they could spread out and divvy up the work.

We should go first to see what we’re bringing our people into. We have the time while the others prepare, Mosiath could sense M’ris’ discomfort in the situation and voiced what his rider had already considered but wasn’t sure if it was the right move. The deep rumble of his voice, speaking such sense was enough for M’ris to nod, ask the firelizard to stay, and mount before they took off to Rocky Hold to view the fires.

Minutes later and the bronze pair returned to the Weyr, M’ris’ spirits utterly shattered. It was bad. Very bad. It didn’t look like it would slow anytime soon either, thanks to the dry wood and land. They were going to need help and a lot of ideas. He had no idea how to stop something like this.

Dismounting back at his weyr, M’ris ran back inside and grabbed a quill on his small desk he had for such occasions – he hated bringing work home, having decided too much of his time was already given to the job. Dipping the quill in the jar of ink, M’ris quickly wrote ‘Ista is on their way. Can we rely on your help, R’nya? Pass on to A’dis with your answer. Send back to Ista Hold from there’ to the bottom of the letter before rolling it back up to give to the firelizard that still remained. “Bring this to R’nya in Telgar Weyr,” he focused on the blue and an image of R’nya in hopes the silly thing was smart enough to gather the information he needed before he popped out of existence again. If the fire continued spreading with its current pace, he knew they were going to need help in containing it. Besides, Ista wasn’t even operating at full strength at the moment due to the heat and M’ris wondered if they would have been enough even with everyone still on site.

It was going to be a long day and not one he had ever expected he would have to plan for. All he could do was hope that everyone kept a cool head and that Telgar and Fort would come to help.