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[G] [P] 738.09.14 | Searching A Future - Printable Version

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738.09.14 | Searching A Future - Phinarion - 09.Dec.17

Phinarion beamed in delight as the blue dragon paused, his nose just about touching the boy’s chest, and he set excited eyes from dragon to the rider, a handsome blonde man who smiled back at him. When he was told Ayyonth – what a cool name! – thought he would make a good dragonrider, Phinarion’s grin just about split his face in two. He could be a dragonrider! What could be more amazing than riding a dragon?! Phinarion turned his look upon his parents, his mother looking wide-eyed and his father with pursed lips. Phinarion’s heart sank at the expression. He wasn’t going to be allowed to go, was he?

With a desperate look at the dragon and his rider, Phinarion backed away and then barrelled over to his parents. “Papa, please!” He begged, hands clasped together as he looked imploringly up at the serious man. He would do anything for this chance! And he said as much, begging his father to give his craft education, his rights as heir, to his younger brother, who stood gaping. Arioraph was a natural farmer, and he would do so much better! He would make their father proud, and with little nudging, his brother joined in with careful words of agreement. He would do so much to make their father proud, and just think of the honour a dragonrider in the family would bring…

In the end, it was their mother who swayed their father, and at last he gave a nod of accent and Phinarion threw himself at the serious man, hugging him tightly and thanking him over and over again. Then he hugged his mother, kissing her on the cheek and cuddling her close for a few moments, before dashing into their home to pack. He didn’t know what he should bring, so he packed a little bit of everything. His sturdy farming clothes, an old but well cared for gather outfit, his favourite pieces of art that his mother had gifted him, and some other miscellaneous items that seemed appropriate, but also unlikely to be the target of jealous fellow Candidates.

Once everything was packed neatly, Phinarion trotted happily back out to the dragonriders, and stood by with shy excitement as the blues and green finished examining the young men. He noticed, curiously, that the women were ignored, and he realised there must not be a gold egg available, or they already had their quota of women filled. Poor girls! It must be so disappointing to stand by while so many of their brothers and friends made off to a better life (Phinarion just knew living in the Weyr would be so much better than farming!).

It didn’t take much longer before everyone was chosen, packed, and ready to go. Phinarion noticed he was just one of three boys total, and he grinned happily at his companions, ecstatic at their chances even if one of the boys in particular had always been a bully. He wondered what kind of dragon would pick a bully to be their mate, before tossing the thought aside and giving over his pack for R’nd (what a weird name!) to attach to his dragon. Then he was being loaded up, and Phinarion had to clench his teeth and purse his lips to keep from squealing in delight! This was all so exciting!

R’nd made sure he was secured properly, and then he was instructed to hold on as Ayyonth leaped into the air, and with flaps of his great wings, they were off! Phinarion took a deep breath, leaning to stare down as the ground got further away, grinning in delight, before the whole world went black! He gasped, shocked, but remembered they were travelling between to get to the Weyr. A few moments later, and once more they were awash in bright sunlight. Phinarion laughed out loud with delight.

RE: 738.09.14 | Searching A Future - R'nd - 10.Dec.17

R’nd grinned as they popped out from between above Telgar Weyr. He never got tired of the feeling of exhilaration with a successful jump nor did he tire of the view. It wasn’t the fact that it was his home –well, technically he called Telgar home now and wasn’t at Benden Weyr long enough to do more than warm a bed for a few months, and Katila was its own special entity – but the view from so high above was always beautiful no matter where he appeared. The fact that his newly Searched Candidate seemed to feel the same way if his delighted laugh was anything to go by, made R’nd even happier with Ayyonth’s pick.

“It’s quite the experience, isn’t it?” The jump, the dragon ride, the view, even the chance at a new life, it didn’t matter which would stick out to Phinarion the most when they were all equally amazing. R’nd asked Ayyonth to circle them down slow as he pointed out things of note like the Hatching Sands, feeding grounds, and even in which direction they technically came in from before finally touching down.

He unbuckled the boy and with Ayyonth’s help and his, R’nd got Phinarion back on the ground. “Welcome home, Phinarion,” he officially greeted the boy with a pat on the shoulder and a smile before turning his attention to the pack he had secured at the farm. The pack was slung over one shoulder and R’nd gave Ayyonth some love and attention with petting to his neck and eye ridges, promising him to remove the riding gear once he saw Phinarion settled in.

Take care of this one. He is a bit excitable but I like him. He’s… familiar. Ayyonth spoke only to R’nd but he gave Phinarion a little head butt to his arm when the boy stood still long enough to do so. Deciding to wait at their weyr, he strolled a few paces away and took off to return to his ledge.

R’nd wondered what Ayyonth meant about Phinarion being familiar but decided he was picking out memories he had of someone when they were younger and didn’t think much else on it. “Would you like a grand tour before or after I show you to your room?” Some Searchriders only did a ‘Search and Dump’ and didn’t care what the Candidate did once they landed or even if they found their bed. R’nd couldn’t do that to anyone. In Katila, he did his best to help the Stolen adjust to the new life that they were thrown into without a choice and tried to befriend them all. It mostly worked but a few hated dragonriders too deeply for even his charm and good looks to get through.

Now that he was helping find Candidates, R’nd took extra responsibility for those he brought in, wanting them to know that he was there for them, even after a night’s rest. Maybe it also had to do with T’bia and how much he took to the odd but sweet Candidate that no one knew how to handle so he was thrust upon the friendly bluerider that liked nearly everyone. He actually enjoyed the unique questions and liked focusing on one person to ensure they became the best rider they could. He already felt Phinarion would be high on the list of people he wanted to befriend and assist along the way. The emotions Phinarion showed clearly were so pure and R’nd wanted to help protect that.

RE: 738.09.14 | Searching A Future - Phinarion - 28.Dec.17

Phinarion couldn’t stop grinning; his face hurt, but he just couldn’t make the expression go away! The wind was making his eyes water, but he didn’t care and took no time to wipe at his face – more would just stream from his eyes anyway! Peering around, the boy tried to take in everything, but knew it was a futile effort. There was just so much to see! “It’s amazing!” He responded to R’nd, and excitedly latched onto the bluerider’s pointing out of the notable, eyes wide and face aching from the smile on his lips. He really couldn’t believe it! To think, just a few turns ago people hadn’t even believed there were any dragons left – he’d heard stories about their return, being too young at the time to really comprehend – and now they were living in the Weyrs and going on Search and there would be a Hatching – or more! – that he could attend and hopefully Impress his very own dragon!

Phinarion wiped his face when Ayyonth landed, excited and hardly able to sit still – though he managed! – as R’nd released his straps and they got him back on the ground. Phinarion wobbled a little bit, using a hand placed lightly against the dragon’s blue side to balance himself as he got used to being on his own two feet once more. “That was outstanding!” He gushed, grinning up at R’nd as the man welcomed him home. Home! The Weyr was his home now! His smile renewed, flashing teeth and crinkling his eyes as he tried to really take it all in. Wow. Home. Weyr. Dragons! Phinarion laughed, looking up at Ayyonth as the dragon nudged him. “Thank you!”

Watching as Ayyonth left them, Phinarion turned to look up at R’nd as he made his question. The boy tilted his head, considering. “After! Let’s dump my stuff!” There was no point in the bluerider carrying it all around, even if Phinarion figured the man was quite strong enough to barely notice it! It would be good to claim a bed, at any rate, and to know where to head back to when they were finished exploring the Weyr! Phinarion figured the whole looking around would be a good way to expel a lot of his excited energy, he was almost bouncing on the balls of his feet as he waited for R’nd to lead the way.

RE: 738.09.14 | Searching A Future - R'nd - 04.Jan.18

R’nd couldn’t stop smiling at Phinarion’s enthusiasm. It made him recall the day he had been Searched and the freedom and possibilities that moment brought him. It freed him from a life of misery –in his opinion, though he knew he was probably being dramatic – as he had no real love for the seacraft but to live and work with dragons? That was something that called to him. Returning North had been such a mix of emotions for him on a personal level with seeing his family again but he only had hope and even excitement for everyone in the North to see dragons again. He wanted children to feel what he had, be in awe of dragonriders, and one day dream of being one themselves. He had no idea what it would have been like to grow up believing all the dragons had died and to never have seen their beauty.

Phinarion was everything R’nd wanted the new generation to be and it filled him with hope that given enough time, more and more people would come around and be happy with the reappearance of dragons and want to be among their ranks once more. The fact that Ayyonth had been the one to help give this boy a chance at a new life that he seemed more than ready to have filled R’nd with pride and he looked forward to future Searches all the more.

“An excellent idea. You don’t want to get stuck with the last bed that ends up beside a known snorer or in a cold draft,” R’nd vaguely remembered his time in the Candidates’ barracks considering he had been Searched only months before the plague struck. He didn’t have any issues with making friends given how much of a social butterfly he was and growing up on the shore had him used to cool breezes at night and even strange smells. But he also knew how much kids could be horrible to each other and he wanted to make sure Phinarion was settled into a good location both for sleeping comfortably and safely surrounded by good people, not those with an attitude and likely destined to be brownriders. Even as he had that thought R’nd frowned at himself. Not all brownriders were dicks but it seemed the ones that were jerks were the loudest ones and most noticed.

R’nd led Phinarion to the barracks, pointing out a few random things as they went, knowing if he didn’t give the boy a more detailed tour of those areas soon that someone else would. When they got to the room, R’nd was pleased with the selection. Seemed there was a little bit of everything open from top or bottom bunks and their locations. He saw a few Candidates lounging around and greeted them all by name and a smile. “All right. If you like a breeze at night, take one closer to the entrance but if you like to be warm, go to the back. Once you found the perfect spot, I’ll show you the baths, dining cavern, and anywhere else you’d like to see today. Oh and ask questions as well.”

RE: 738.09.14 | Searching A Future - Phinarion - 31.Mar.18

Phinarion choked on a laugh at R’nd’s comment, imagining himself caught sleeping next to a snorer like his brother for umpteen months! Ugh! He did not want to be sleeping next to a snorer, especially if the other boy just reminded him of the brother he’d managed to get away from! “Good point!” Phinarion laughed, grinning up at R’nd as he waited for the bluerider to lead the way.

Following behind R’nd, Phinarion looked around with wide-eyed curiosity at the Weyr, and all the people and dragons that they passed or flew overhead. He could not believe how many there were! And some of them were obviously huge – not that Ayyonth was small but well, okay maybe a little on the small side, if that bronze that floated lazily overhead was any indication! Phinarion knew he was gaping, but he just could not help himself!

Scampering after R’nd into the candidate’s barracks, Phinarion waved cheerfully at the lounging candidates, glancing at R’nd curiously when the bluerider seemed to know all of them (did he really Search that many?!) and peered around the room curiously before settling on a bunk. Tossing his pack on the top bed, which was clearly unoccupied, Phinarion introduced himself to a couple of candidates that looked like they were sleeping on either side, before quickly returning to R’nd.

“I’m ready!” He chirped, clapping his hands before himself excitedly and grinning. Learning where the baths were, while not very exciting, was certainly preferable to being smelly and he would certainly appreciate knowing where the privy was! Dining Cavern sounded like a good place to find, though, and he bounced excitedly. Questions though? Phinarion blinked and stilled for a moment, trying to think about other important places to know of. Coming up blank, he shrugged and simply returned to grinning in anticipation. Onwards!

RE: 738.09.14 | Searching A Future - R'nd - 01.Apr.18

R’nd still couldn’t get over Phinarion’s enthusiasm about everything. He had been excited to pick his bunk and make quick acquaintance with those near it but he almost seemed as excited about finding the common bathing area and privy, his bounce to his step never seeming to lessen. R’nd had a feeling Phinarion’s mind was simply going to be blown the first time he got to go to a Touching and have that experience! He’d definitely have to make sure he was close by when that happened to watch the magical moment and find out how it went afterward.

Since Phinarion didn’t seem to have any questions, or was possibly too overwhelmed from everything to think up any, R’nd chatted about whatever area they came across and made light comments about ranks if they passed by someone of import or not. He didn’t want to add to the information overload, though, so R’nd tried to keep everything as casual and fun as he could, assuring the boy more than once that he could come find him any time if he had questions or needed something explained again. Since helping T’bia when he was a Candidate and then all through his weyrlinghood, R’nd found he kind of liked taking a kid or two under his wing and had the patience for those that needed a little longer to absorb the information.

By the time they made it to the dining cavern, R’nd found himself a bit peckish and realised by the crowd that midday meal was already on. His tour had taken a bit longer than expected but that was okay. He only had to file the paperwork on his Search and his afternoon was otherwise clear. He greeted friends as they passed through the room and he paused here and there to introduce Phinarion to other Candidates that were around his age in hopes of helping the boy find friends and feel welcomed and comfortable at the Weyr.

“If you aren’t sick of me yet, I don’t seem to have a lunch date and I wonder if you’re available to eat with me?” R’nd smiled warmly as he grabbed two plates, handing one to Phinarion and leading him to the platters of food.

“And,” he leaned in to whisper his secret, “even if you aren’t that hungry because of nerves or excitement, still eat a little. When you realise later how hungry you actually are, dinner will feel a life time away.” He knew that from experience from when he was Searched. He was so excited and relieved to be out of the life he didn’t see himself ever fitting into, young Orwind had skipped a meal to explore Benden Weyr in its entirety, only to be left with a growling stomach an hour after the meal ended.