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Wine Dark Sky - Printable Version

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Wine Dark Sky - Lymsleia - 20.Jan.12

Lymsleia had forgotten the taste of wine. While an apprentice she'd be forced to forgo that. And even while a senior apprentice she'd only had a few tastes here and there, a party, a celebration. But that was it. But now the drink flowed freely from container to cup.

The Hour was late,well past dark, and Lymselia had found herself out and about. The wine had come from someone else. Passing it off to her, had been a kidness. She sat down by the small fire she'd made. The fire itself was a merry little blaze, just outside of her little hut she'd built with her hands.

She felt the tears come-unbidden and and sought. Though the release was cathartic, Lymselia could feel herself shaking.  She'd been snatched away, just like that. Outlike a light and awoken here. Here.. Katlia, her new home. She'd not allowed herself time to adjust.

The dark skinned young woman gripped the edge of the bottle,feeling her hand cramp with the forceful strain she put on it, Lymsleia let it go. The bottle wobble a moment and then settled.

She let the tears fall as she stared into the fire. It hurt to remember, it hurt to think. Vaan, Tyian, her brothers. Her biological parents, who  had- abandoned her. Or had they, her father and brother both riders could be /here/ or they could be /dead/. Dead and burried or lost in the thing called between.

She took a deep gulp of the wine. It burned, going down her throat.  Setting off a coughing fit when combined with the crying.

Re: Wine Dark Sky - A'dris - 20.Jan.12

The sun had long since set, but only now was Allendris making his way back from the Craft Hall to his hut, after yet another full day's attempt at somehow making himself useful in this new place. His new home, he reminded himself, whether he liked it or not - though on that count he hadn't quite decided. The weyrfolk of Katila were kind enough, and their beasts glorious to behold, but with each passing day he noticed more and more sad, frustrated, and angry faces among the Stolen Candidate-potentials such as himself. And who could blame them? They had been snatched away from their homes with no prior warning, torn from their crafts and families, thrown into a hard and unfamiliar life without any of the modern conveniences to which they had all grown accustomed... the dragonriders had no choice, he'd been told. Hatchlings must be Impressed and to not find a suitable mate meant sure suicide for a valuable dragonet. But he'd learned enough about the legends of dragons in his youth - and gathered enough new information here from the lips of anyone who was willing to talk, for a ravenous gathering of facts was one thing he'd set himself to almost single-mindedly since his arrival - to suspect that a room full of sullen orphans were not the most ideal Candidates one could present a clutch.

Which was precisely why the journeyman was attempting to keep an, at worst, ambivalent attitude about his present situation. He was a logical enough man to understand what he did and didn't have a choice about. Being here at Katila Weyr fell into the latter category. As such, he had resolved that he would not be responsible for the premature death of a dragon. With no glass to smith - at least, not until he and Katila's few other smithies pulled together the materials and equipment with which to do it - his new duty was to be the best Candidate he could possibly be. When put like that, it was a simple choice to make... but not all of his Stolen fellows were as capable of sorting their present circumstances into such neat rows of black and white.

As if in living illustration of this very thought, a discordant melody of choking sobs rose to the young man's ears, directing his attention towards the lone feminine figure crouched by a small fire, its flickering flames offering just enough light for him to see the tears that rolled down her cheeks. Allendris froze a moment, wondering if the woman would be embarrassed to be seen in such a state, and if then the most polite thing to do would be to hurry on along as if he had never seen anything. But the woman paid him no mind. Indeed, it was as if she were incapable of noticing anything beyond whatever pain she was contemplating as she stared into the fire.

Allendris looked over his shoulder. There was no one else around, and it seemed wrong to leave a young woman alone in such a state. He thought he saw her shivering, and wondered if she might need a blanket or a coat, though the weather was warm and the fire even warmer. Pointedly he cleared his throat, making sure she knew she was not alone and therefore would not be too startled when he crouched uninvited beside the tiny bonfire and quietly asked, "Are you okay? Can I get you anything?"

Re: Wine Dark Sky - Lymsleia - 20.Jan.12

Lymsleia's eyes darted. And for a moment she was strangely silent. Normaly lively attitude,seemed muted and subdued. And then she noticed him. Her lips moved and then she backaway,. "I am ok." she managed to squeek out. She motioned him closer, a glimmer of her normal self shininging through the dark cloud that surrounded her.

"Sit." the word was a command, and request at the same time. She tried to smile before she brushed away the tears. "Stolen too huh?" she asks, holding the bottle over to him, in offering. "Lymsleia, Journeyman Healer, specialty: Obbset-obsetricia-- midwifery." she said introducing herself. " ITs good to have someone to talk with, thank you for stopping by, even though this is pretty much a... a... I don't know." She leaned back away from the fire a moment. Slow deep breaths in the darknesss. "You?"

Re: Wine Dark Sky - A'dris - 21.Jan.12

Allendris blinked, momentarily taken aback by the woman's chattiness. Perhaps she had just been waiting for someone to talk to? When she mentioned her craft, he realized he might have seen her before, working with the other Healer folk. He'd only arrived at Katila proper from Candidate Isle a short while ago, and in his quest for knowledge from minds of the weyrfolk he hadn't time to properly introduce himself to many of his fellow Stolens, who never seemed to know much more about dragonfolk than he... but when he thought about it, he seemed to remember her with a smile on her face, and her eyes alive with optimism.

Ah yes... those eyes! She was the one with those stunning, two-toned eyes. But what had robbed them of their brightness this night, he wondered?

Still, the tall young man felt more comfortable somehow now that he had placed her, and he bowed his head just slightly in gratitude for her invitation to sit down - though the word had come out more like an order. He could forgive her for that, for it seemed she needed the company. He saw nothing on which to sit, but then a dusty rear end was a small sacrifice to make if he could somehow help a lady in need. "Obstetrics, you mean?" he supplied in a tone he saw as helpful, when she floundered on the foreign-sounding syllables. He recalled reading the word somewhere in a book, though if he were honest he would have to admit that there was no way he could have recalled the archaic term in its entirety had she not provided the hints.

In any event, midwifery was a noble occupation. He nodded to himself as he sat, as if in approval. "I'm Allendris, Journeyman Glass-smith. And no problem at all, though I'll abstain from the alcohol for now, if you don't mind," he smiled slightly, though for a brief moment the expression was more wry than it was kind. "I had a bit too much wine the night I was Stolen and I've yet to regain my taste for it."

Re: Wine Dark Sky - lymsleia - 21.Jan.12

Lymsleia smiled a bit. "At least you remember being stolen. I was drugged, I think." she says slowly setting the bottle far enough back from the flames to keep it from sending glass shards if fell towards the heat. "Allendris." she spoke his name in a very gentle tone. It lacked the authority, the command had had moments ago, but it deed roll from her tongue.

She shifted in her seat. "Its ok. Wine tastes good, but I'll be happy when we can make other drinks." her words weren't slurred, so it as perhaps that she was only slightly tipsy, though the bottle of wine smelled of fruit- so perhaps it was just a light wine with  low alchol content. Lymsleia drew a breath, slowly  and exhaled slowly. Her chest bearly rising and falling. "Yes I mean obsetricts,." she managed to say. A slight yawn crossed her face. "So you make glass." she said with a slightly renewed brighteness. "Colored or plain?" She leaned foreward close to the fire, and in its light the blue & grey eyes held something of a distant spark, like the stars on a cold winter's morning.

Re: Wine Dark Sky - A'dris - 22.Jan.12

"I've heard many such stories from the other candidates," Allendris answered her quietly, carefully observing the change of expression on the young woman's face, and taking note the clear tone of her voice despite the fact that she had obviously consumed a great deal of wine if she had been in sole possession of that bottle for the entire time she had been drinking. Privately he concluded that she wasn't drunk, so the source of her distress could not be from intoxication alone.

He also knew, however, when it was still too soon to ask - indeed, at the moment it seemed she was so chatty on other subjects that he doubted he may hear the story of her troubles at all. Not that he particularly minded. He did not fancy himself especially skilled at giving advice, so if the topics of their respective kidnappings and crafts were what she wanted to talk about, he was willing to indulge her. He smiled slightly at the sudden chirp in her voice, though he found the subject of his work unexpectedly difficult to talk about - the smile faded as he spoke. He couldn't craft here, not yet, and it made him feel very out of his element to be so uniquely useless. "Both. I specialized in decorative applications - beads and sculptures and the like - but I assume once we can get the materials for me to work with here at Katila it will be back to plain wineglasses and window panes with me."

"It's apprentice work," the journeyman added by means of explanation, and despite himself he couldn't keep the slight note of bitterness out of his voice. Though even he had to grudgingly admit that a single man fashioning an entire window-sized pane out of crude, likely stolen or makeshift equipment would be a master-level feat... he still obviously did not look forward to it.

Re: Wine Dark Sky - Lymsleia - 22.Jan.12

Lymsleia's eye flickered and flaired at the mention of decorative glass, the young woman seemed very excited. "So you can make pretty peices." she  rotates the bottle of wine of the fire a moment before putting it in the dirt. "Glass is made by heating sand right?" she asks. "Wouldn't it be possible to get some from a beach or something?" she tried to stifle a yawn.

"Cleaning a babe after its born in apprentice work, as is heating water, but its nessacery for survival of the child." she speaks firmly. Her eyes seem to get a flicker of life in them again. "So what are you looking foreward too? The Mother dragon has flown, and there apparently will be offspring.."

Re: Wine Dark Sky - A'dris - 23.Jan.12

The young man's thin lips quirked into a smile again at the Healer's apparently enthusiasm for hearing about what he did. Of course, Lymsleia was not the first woman to be enchanted by beautiful trinkets, and Allendris felt it wasn't too arrogant for him to say that it his work in particular had been very popular among their female patrons. If only he had something to show the girl... that quality of work would be impossible here at Katila. Indeed, it was impossible anywhere but in the crafthalls of Ista, as far as he was concerned. "Yes," Allendris answered, amused and perhaps a little flattered by the girl's intent curiousity, but finding the question not unlike one a child would make. Well, he reminded himself, he hadn't known much more than that about glass before he'd begun his apprenticeship, either. "But we can't use just any sand. It needs to be very pure. The best is from Ista, of course."

"Of course it depends on your purposes," he admitted, leaning back from the fire as he thought a moment on the various mineral properties of the scant sand he'd seen in the southern continent so far. Common beach sand would not result in a quality product, but then very few things at this Katila Weyr were quality products. The living here was crude, and if he were to fashion a slightly off-colored or brittle piece of work, he doubted anyone would notice over the various other inconveniences the weyrfolk endured on a daily basis. Perhaps this girl was more clever than he'd given her credit for...

But then, there was still one problem. "I just don't have the equipment," the glass-smith concluded with a sigh, and the hopeful light of excitement that had begun to dawn in brown eyes faded again, overshadowed by the harsh reality that he was stick here and without a job until some dragonrider took pity on him enough to steal him a glass-pipe.

The transition in topic caught Allendris by surprise, though mercifully off the subject of the work he already missed so much. "Offspring?" he repeated, for a moment unable to make the connection between the mother and himself, until it dawned on him that Lymsleia was referring to the coming Hatching. The one they had both been taken from their homes for. He coughed quietly, and answered her honestly. "I'm not sure. I still know so little about the weyr and its dragons, I don't even know what to look forward to..."

Re: Wine Dark Sky - Lymsleia - 23.Jan.12

She breathed slowly. The scent of the alchol on her breath made her realize how much of the alchol she'd actually consumed. She closed her eyes and layback on the ground. "Yes, the dragons." she says softly. "I don't think any of us know much how how this is supposed to work. Apparently the plauge did a number on them, and its why they have to take us from our homes. Because no one knows they're stll alive."

She sits up. "Is it just me or does it seem odd, that we can just announce that they're alive, and well , and that they need people?" she  rolls the bottle between her fingers as she spoke. "I mean saying' We survived, and we are trying to rebuild, let us help you! Would be much better than kidnapping people."

Re: Wine Dark Sky - A'dris - 23.Jan.12

For a long moment, Allendris could only answer with silence. He stared into the fire, his dark eyes narrowed but seeming to focus on something just beyond the dancing flames. Inside, a silent debate was raging: yes, absolutely, he agreed. The kidnappings were unacceptable. He'd read that in former times there were men and women who would gladly throw aside everything for just the opportunity to Impress a dragon - indeed, there were some who spent their entire childhoods waiting for the honor of a dragonman's call. Search, they'd called it. It had sounded so grand and noble in the songs and stories.

But these were not those times. And this was not Search. It was stealing, kidnapping - plain and simple. Utterly reprehensible.

And yet... he knew the dragonmen had their reasons.

"I think it's not so simple," the glass-smith finally allowed himself to speak, his voice heavy with the weight of his own indecision. It was clear that this was a matter that he still thought about and struggled with daily. But unlike common holder-folk, he'd had a glimpse of what it was like in the upper tiers of Pernese society, now that the dragonriders were gone. Sure, he was just a youngster at Nerat, but he had been observant; and when he recalled those whisperings and gossips he'd overheard as a boy he began to think he understood why the Katila weyrfolk behaved in the secretive way that they did.

"Do you know how rich the Lord Holders and their families have become now with no weyr to tithe? And all the extra land for their people now that their homes are empty of dragons and riders," Allendris began, shaking his head slightly as he idly twisted one of the jeweled rings on his fingers. He was thinking about how even he had benefited from that wealth... as far as his family was concerned, save for the absence of their beloved fire-lizards, the plague had been a good thing. Yet Allendris hardly felt guilty; prospering on the misfortune of others was a common reality of life. "The Lords would not be so happy to hear that they must again share their riches with a society they view as unnecessary and obsolete."

Re: Wine Dark Sky - Lymsleia - 23.Jan.12

Lymsleia  raised an eyebrow. She had heard the songs and stories. "It's how Falen's hold started. We were a minor cot hold, at least according to my Aunts. Minor and small on the island around ISta, tille we managed to get some land on the mainland closer to Keroon." she explained. "We got lots of land for cheap and raised runners for a long time. Fael's hold is the place closer to Keroon." she grinned.

"So we branched out." she glanced at him. "Songs and stories, and yes hte Holders have become... decadent. I am the youngest daughter of a minor-holder, and I went to the big Spring gathers at Ista Hold..., I was the least best dress of the girls, but it didn't feel that way." she began. "You don't think it's simple, neither do I. But..." she fellsilent. "What if it comes back? The silver rain I mean.. what it kills all the plants and runners and... isn't that worse?"

Re: Wine Dark Sky - A'dris - 24.Jan.12

Allendris listened as the woman regaled him with various details about her home holds, noting the grin that the memories had brought to her face. Those must have been happier times, he thought. So her family, too, had prospered where the dragonmen had known only suffering.

Yet despite this similarity in their past, the craftsman elected not to share the details of his own home and rank... especially not after she had mentioned the decadence with which the Lords lived. It was true, and he didn't approve of it much himself - Allendris was not a man who flaunted his wealth so brazenly. But it would be hypocritical of him to condemn them when it had been the Lady Holder's money that had bought him these rings, and so many of the finely stitched tunics he wore.

"What if what comes back? Thread?" he answered Lymsleia's glance with a skeptical raise of one brow. Did he believe in Thread? Even after coming here and seeing for his own eyes that dragons still existed, he wasn't certain. His family had always told him one thing, and the Harpers another - to choose a side with so little evidence one way or another was agony itself. But one thing he did know for absolute certain: "Many holders won't believe in it until it's already falling on their heads. The dragonfolk know that."

Re: Wine Dark Sky - Lymsleia - 24.Jan.12

"If it comes back, then we're all going to be in very large piles of runner shit." she says with such force the words seems to spin from her lips. "I mean.. think about it. THe stories tell us, this stuff EATS things. Trees, plants, animals, you name it it will eat it. Fire is our best defense, and colds, and water." she says in a firm voice as she begins to hum a teaching song.  THe tune is slightly different but all the important stuff is there.

"THe only things that kill it are fire,water and cold. We'll hope for long, cold frozen winters- like you get in Telgar. Cold long winters. Maybe we'll get some in the north and that'll save them. The holders with all their heavy decandace.. I mean... the bad ones.. The ones who cheat and swindler their workers. Those who make the Minor holders try to get as much food and meat, and ore, from their land to increase their wealth..." she exhaled. "I am in a way glad to be here though. Maybe I can make a difference. Maybe-in a worse case scenario-- the north will burn, as we can all start over? Collect those who survived, those who are willingto change and hange the way things work. I mean for those who loose there lives, I will mourn." she spoke quietly though the eb and flow of her words was potential more alchol induced.

Re: Wine Dark Sky - A'dris - 24.Jan.12

Allendris blinked, apparently startled by such forcefulness and vulgarity from the lips of such a petite and lovely young lady. But Lymsleia had a point, and this was obviously something she cared very strongly about. Even he, after all of his years spent with Nerat and Ista's finest harpers, could not recall all of the teaching songs about Thread and dragonriders. The emphasis of their education - he and foster-siblings, that was - had always been on other subjects.

"You remember the songs well," the glass-smith complimented her, "but I think the dragonmen will not allow the North to burn. That's why we're all here, is it not?" Allendris gestured to the numerous huts that surrounded them, the majority of which in this area held non-rider folk like themselves. There were many Candidates, he had observed. Far more than could be Impressed by a single clutch of eggs, which he had heard numbered in the teens. Some of them had been Stolen recently, and others many months ago, before the majestic gold dragon had ever risen. He could see what they were doing: they were building an air force. To fight Thread. "They brought us here to help them fight. To help them protect the very people who scorn them, disavow their existence, steal their land and grow fat on the wealth that was the dragonmens' due..."

Allendris stared  into the fire once more, expression transformed as if he had realized something for the very first time. "They're good people. The weyrfolk, I mean."

Re: Wine Dark Sky - Lymsleia - 24.Jan.12

Lymsleia nodded. "Mother sang the older ones herself. Our family has a tradition of being harper-trained and even if  none of us are actually Harpers. My grand mother and aunts took it upon themselves to learn the older songs, and teach them- they're both harpers. It's mostly a tradition. Mother became a Healer and so did I." She hums a few bars and it is clear, she could have been a harper perhaps. The raw talent is there, just not the polish. Or maybe she just sounds really pretty.

"I don't think they would let the North burn, you're right. But the problem with having on breeding female and too many males--- she can only produce so many at one time. It's like a herd of runners. a stallion needs multiple mares- more offspring. It's probably why some men flirt." she explains picking up a few stones and arranging them. From her pocket a bit of charcol. "Lines represent males ,dots females." she says  as she marks a few 'female rocks' and a few male rocks.

She places a cluster of the 'females' with a single 'male'. "A normal standard heard, plenty of offspring".
She takes a second rock, one female and places it in a cluster of many males. "Problem. Only one can breed with the female they fight. They fight so much, that starvation and death and luck make up the part of who gets to breed." she says in solmen voice. A Healer who understood people & animal instincts- useful. "THe Weyr's facing this second option I think.... the queen can only breed so much, right? Unless she produces more Queens, we're in trouble."

Re: Wine Dark Sky - A'dris - 31.Jan.12

Allendris listened to Lymsleia's explanation of males and females in a herd with the sort of detached interest of someone who didn't quite follow the significance of the subject to the topic at hand. Breeding runners was one subject he had never bothered to educate himself in; though his family had had many, their pedigree had always been left in the knowledgeable hands of someone far more qualified than themselves. And though Lymsleia seemed quite qualified in the field herself, the glass-smith still didn't quite comprehend what had inspired her to begin diagramming out the difficulties of an unbalanced herd to someone as utterly uninvolved in the art of animal husbandry such as himself... until her very last words about the dragon queen.

He paused, turning the significance of this over in his mind. He had heard from some of the weyrfolk in his incessant questionings that the queen dragon was the last remaining alive, and she had only risen to mate once before... since that clutch had since hatched, and the current queen remained the sole golden dragon at Katila, it seemed logical to then assume that she had indeed failed to produce another queen. But did that mean she was incapable? "Are you suggesting she won't? I am told that gold eggs are exceedingly rare..."

Re: Wine Dark Sky - lymsleia - 31.Jan.12

Lymsleia paused. "I am saying its... The Stars guesss if she does or doesn't. The problem is that she growing older. And like women, they must have a 'limit'. To how many children they can have."

A dark hand juts out to touch the bottle. "She may or may not produce another like herself. And if something happens to her before another egg is on thsands like her... we are-- no. Pern is  in trouble. Unless our star-ancestors show up or something."

She didn't exactly throw up her hands but she did stare at Allendris. "Glass-smith." she used his  title in stead of his name. "Have you ever been in love?"

Re: Wine Dark Sky - A'dris - 31.Jan.12

Allendris straightened immediately, eyes widening slightly at the directness of Lymsleia's question. Once again, he was having trouble following the young woman's train of thought, struggling briefly to determine the relevancy of his answer to their conversation. Frankly, he couldn't see how it mattered! It was frustrating, in a way, to feel so lost in the conversation when normally he was so very good at reading the intent behind peoples' words, but to go from the continuation of the dragon race to something so personal was completely... well, beyond the realm of the Polite and Proper socialite conversation he was used to.

And besides, this was a particularly sensitive topic!

The glass-smith coughed quietly, a slight flush of color on the young man's pale cheeks betraying his embarrassment despite the cool tone of his voice when he answered, "I think that's a little personal, don't you?" His expression as he spoke, as smooth and collected as ever, betrayed nothing - but it was obvious from the trouble he had meeting Lymsleia's eyes once she'd asked that the answer was probably 'no.'

Re: Wine Dark Sky - lymsleia - 01.Feb.12

Lymlseia leaned back and noticed his response. She closed her eyes. She couldn't keep her thoughts straight. She stood up slowly and then  looked at her hand as she stretched towards the firelight. "Perhaps I should go."  she whispers.  She walks towards him and leaves him the alchol. "I  think I am gonna go lay down." she tried to stifle a yawn but the it came away. Though after pronouncing herself tired. She crouched directly across from him.

"It is, personal." she says a slightly stutter entering her voice. "I just wanted to know. I mean is it  any worse than some peoples.. hmm exploits." she said quietly. She sat herself down next to him. And ran her fingers through her black hair. Noting his trouble meeting her eyes she grinned. " I guess it was a bit... off color." she reached out hand to  try and pat Allendris' shoulder.

Call it done?