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Small Treasures [Solo] - Printable Version

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Small Treasures [Solo] - Vaeyla - 22.Jul.14

In the few days since the landslide devistated the weyr, Vee found that she could no longer sleep properly. Every little sound woke her, and on occasion she woke with a start, fearing it was happening all over again. She hadn't lost anyone she cared for, everyone she cared for was in the hut she now lay in. K'ton lay beside her, and Evritt lay near by. Ameris and her gold were fine as far as she knew, shaken as everyone else, but alive and well, as was K'ton's son, though his dragon had taken an injury to the tail, they would both recover just fine.

Vee wasn't sure why she was so effected, but she was, and tonight, like the last couple of nights she woke for what seemed like no reason at all. Some random sound got inside her brain and woke her as it often did. She sighed and got up as gently as possible so she wouldn't wake K'ton, and went to check on Evritt. She smiled down at him as he slept and covered him with his blanket. She touched his hair gently then turned away to go back to bed when she heard it. A distintive crack in the stillness that caused her alarm at first. After a moment she decided it was nothing and turned for bed again, when she heard it again, a resounded crack. The crack was followed by rattling, which stopped after a few seconds, then started again.

Frowning slightly she moved into the main area and lit a candle and looked around. Her gaze fell on the hearth where the embers still glowed red and orange. There she found the source of the noise, the egg pot which contained the egg K'ton had given her. It was rocking around a bit and rattling beside the embers. Serene, apparently woken by the sound, or some inner firelizard instinct, fluttered into the room and perched herself on a chair and started to hum.

"Here.", came a sleepy sounding voice, belonging only to K'ton. She turned and looked at him, slightly shocked that he had woken. He didn't say anything else but handed her a small wrapped bundle and nodded at the hearth. He grinned at her then went to remove the pot from the heart for her as she sat and unwrapped the bundle he had given her. She gave a little smile at the meat she unwrapped, then turned her eyes on the egg that cracked again, now resting on the floor before her. Serene hummed louder and watched with whirling eyes as another crack splintered the side of the shell. A moment later a nose poked out of the spintered shell and sniffed, then disapeared into the shell. Serene hopped down onto the floor and nosed the egg, chirping at the hatchling within. The egg wiggled at that, and wiggled again before it fell over, the shell shattering and the hatchling within tumbled to the floor with a screech.

"Feed it!", K'ton half fussed and half laughed at her, causing her to jump slightly. She laughed a little and held out a bit of meat, which it greedily snatched from her fingers. She continued feeding it until she was nearly out of meat and her new charge was burping and circling in her lap, pawing at her legs, which made her flinch a bit, before circling again and pawing a second time, before he curled up and closed his eyes.

Serene, seeing the hatchling was asleep, snuck over to Vee's side and snagged a bit of meat then retreated to K'ton's lap. She laughed at her antics then yawned. K'ton got up, thenĀ  helped her up to that she wouldn't disturb her new pet. She checked on Evritt who hadn't bothered to stir one bit, then went back to bed, where her new bronze stirred and stared up at her before yawning. "What are you going to call him?", K'ton asked, amused as they both watched him paw at the blanket and turn before curling up beside Vee again.

"Digger.", she answered with a laugh and a yawn before settling down and going back to sleep.

One seriously late firelizard hatching..>.>