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Dealing with the Shock [V'riy] - Printable Version

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Dealing with the Shock [V'riy] - Arddra - 21.Oct.13

By the time she left the Hatching circuit with V'riy upon Morith's back, Arddra was more in control of herself yet the memory of the smell still plagued her. She kept her face buried against V'riy during the entire trip to his hut and was very glad nobody else was around.

Puffed eyed and with less of a sick feeling deep in her gut at the horrible turn of events, Arddra walked silently at V'riy's side. She kept her head lowered, just too shook up to really do or say anything at this point. Only when they were both safely inside V'riy's hut and out of sight of any curious passerby's, did Arddra look up at him.

"Thank you for getting me out of there..." Arddra said softly, wringing her hands before her. She was still in her Candidate robe and was glad she had just pulled it over her existing clothing. The oiled cloak was still upon her shoulders so she pulled that off and absently hung it on the hook by the door.

"It was so horrible, what happened...the smell," Arddra felt tears burn in her eyes again and forced them back. Now wasn't the time to give in to tears again. "It was so reminded me of how it smelled when Fosorcim was so sick."