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How Fitting [J'ver] - Printable Version

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How Fitting [J'ver] - S'kef - 22.Jan.13

S'kef had pretended not to notice the date. It began like any other day for him, rising abominably early and silently getting dressed. He slipped outside while J'ver still slept, though how long his greenrider slept once he was gone remained unknown to him, and began his day as the embattled but enthusiastic 'acting' Weyrleader of Katila. D'ren was will ailing and the prognosis wasn't good, even if the old bastard survived. S'kef was intent on tightening his grip on the Weyr now while the getting was good, and that was as full time a job as he'd ever had.

It was good, in a way. It allowed both S'kef and J'ver a fair measure of 'alone' time and it kept S'kef nice and busy. He was focused, and that was the best way to keep him running strong and standing tall. He was a derelict mess when he had nothing to focus his aggression and energy towards, and now that he had what he'd wanted most for his entire adult life, well...He wasn't taking any chances.

He didn't want to end up like D'ren, though. That stupid bastard worked himself gray stressing over things that didn't matter, micromanaging as if he had unlimited time and was a mess. S'kef hadn't yet found the ones he trusted to delegate to, but he was feeling them out...and he had no intention of killing himself like D'ren was.

After the evening meal, he retreated to his hut. Sometimes he continued on with paperwork, but much of the time he made a little time for himself and his mate. He was prompt, usually walking through the door at the same time each night.

Tonight was slightly different. He showed up a little late, carrying a strange item under one arm. He slipped inside, surprised to see that J'ver was not home. He frowned. Tyrrisath. Summon him

Tyrrisath opened his eyes and sighed softly. J'ver he called out quietly. S'kef requests your presence. It is most important. The dragon had once been distant and aloof towards J'ver, but as the pair settled into life as proper weyrmates and Tyrrisath gave up the pursuit of other greens, he found himself naturally drawn closer to his rider's mate. He still didn't speak to him often, but when he did, he was patient and polite. Anyone valuable to S'kef was valuable to him, and he knew it would tickle his Rilaleeyth so.

Of course, he was still his brooding self. After making the request, he laid his head down to go back to sleep. Back in the hut, S'kef set the object down beside the fire place and started working on lighting it. Moments later, the fire was springing to life and S'kef was grinning in anticipation. He pulled the cover off of the object, revealing a simple metal pot, which he slid closer to the fire.

Is he coming?

Perhaps. I called him.

Re: How Fitting [J'ver] - J'ver - 24.Jan.13

J’ver was off raiding the supplies in the pantry that evening. He had meant to get to it earlier in the day but Rilaleeyth had wanted to show him some of her favourites places to relax, thinking he would like the view and the tranquility. She had been right and his sweet girl had easily convinced him to stay on the little cliff with her for a few hours, the dragon happily playing shield for her human when the sun rose at just the right angle to be bright and hot on them. Life in Katila could be such a chore and with his lack of friends, especially when S’kef was off running the weyr, J’ver found he had truly enjoyed the time away with just his girl at his side. Rilaleeyth was the only woman in his life and he liked to spoil her as well, which was why he went with her in the first place and why he was now raiding supplies.

It would have been simple to find someone to whip up the oil the pair preferred to use but J’ver didn’t trust anyone enough to do it. He wasn’t about to put anything on her beautiful green hide that he didn’t know exactly what it consisted of. Anyone could add in a chemical that would harm Rilaleeyth or they could be catty enough to alter the scent. None of that would do! J’ver took his time selecting the items, carefully placing each in the bag he brought with him when Tyrrisath’s presence gently brushed against his mind. It was still weird hearing that voice after turns of wondering what it sounded like based on Rilaleeyth’s description that it was warm and made you feel special. He supposed both were true, especially then when the dragon’s tone was much softer than usual without the urgency of the situation or impatience of dealing with him.

J’ver didn’t reply, mostly because he doubted the brown was lingering about but also because it didn’t seem urgent. If S’kef had been in any sort of trouble, Tyrrisath would not have been so calm. Then again, Tyrrisath wouldn’t have needed back up either since the dragon was a monster and easily scared everyone into compliance. With the final ingredient plucked up, J’ver finally left and mounted Rilaleeyth who had been waiting patiently outside for him.

What do you think he wants to see you for? The green asked as they lazily glided across the weyr. There wasn’t a point in betweening for such a short distance when there wasn’t an emergency. Who can say? Maybe he simply misses me? That was likely and J’ver believed it was true as well, especially given the significance of the day. S’kef had a lot on his mind since stepping up to fill D’ren’s shoes and as much of a manly man as he was, the brownrider still wasn’t the sort to forget anything important.

And today was important.

Once back at the hut, J’ver left Rilaleeyth to nearly prance over to Tyrrisath and quietly lay down beside him so he could slip into his hut. Their hut. It was still weird to think of it that way despite the time that had passed since S’kef moved in but they did spend a lot of the day apart with the important night hours spent together. J’ver was pleased with that arrangement and had even managed to adapt to sharing his space and picking up after S’kef when he got a bit too messy.

“I didn’t think it was cold enough for a fire tonight,” he commented as the door shut behind him and S’kef was spotted. If the brownrider wanted a fire though, he’d allow it. Of course that also meant S’kef was going to be the one replacing their wood pile since he was using it at such odd times. That was when a thought struck him and J’ver frowned. “You’re well, aren’t you?” Setting down the bag on a table, J’ver went over to his mate to check his forehead and for any signs of illness returning but instead saw the odd pot sitting at the hearth.

“What did you bring home?”

Re: How Fitting [J'ver] - S'kef - 25.Jan.13

Tyrrisath yawned lazily and snorted a soft greeting to Rilaleeyth, either too lazy or otherwise unwilling to make any other sound. He instead greeted her with his mind, projecting a sense of distant but sincere happiness towards her and welcoming her to join him. He laid his neck down over hers, curling softly beside her before closing his eyes once more. Today had been a good day, in spite of the minor fit S'kef had pitched at an idiot kitchen woman earlier and the anxiety he felt at the dragging hours. S'kef genuinely enjoyed his new job, but today he had wanted nothing more than for it to end!

Perhaps he'll even like it the dragon said in mild humor. S'kef grumbled something, but Tyrrisath had already shut him out. S'kef knew the dragon was playing on his own subtle, deeply-buried insecurities. The brownrider maintained that J'ver would never leave him; the greenrider needed him, and shard it, S'kef wouldn't let him leave!

Of course, that didn't mean S'kef didn't have the mildest fear of rejection. Today, however, he was kicking those fears in the balls and refusing to let them show their ugly faces. J'ver would love his gift, and if Tyrrisath didn't agree, he could go fly himself. A cocky grin appeared on S'kef's face as he reminded himself of that fact as he rose to his feet and turned to greet the greenrider, who had arrived just on time, like the sweet, dutiful little pain in the ass that he was.

"I'm fine," S'kef replied, assuming J'ver spoke of the illness that had plagued him some time ago. The healers' best guess was that it was some sort of southern variant of firehead, but what did they know? Not even the smartest of the rotten bunch could figure it out. It was sweet of J'ver to worry about it, of course, so S'kef just smiled. It was a pleasant smile, but it also dripped of arrogance and smug self-satisfaction.

"You should look in it," S'kef said, motioning lazily towards the pot on the floor. "It's for you." Happy birthday. He'd say it out loud later, preferably while they destroyed their bedroom in celebration. That was the best place for such sappy things, yes?

S'kef wandered across into the adjacent kitchen to select a bottle of wine from the rack. It was one of his favorites, and not exactly easy to come by. This new position was nice. He poured a glass for himself and one for J'ver before returning to the living area, smug expression still lingering. "What do you think, Jai?"

Re: How Fitting [J'ver] - J'ver - 28.Jan.13

J’ver knew how well S’kef could lie, especially when it came to his health, but he believed the brownrider. S’kef normally hid things from everyone else but slowly opened up to him over time and now that they were living together, it only seemed natural to keep everything open between them without dirty secrets waiting to pop up and harm one of them – usually J’ver. Nodding but not saying anything though the curiosity was visible in his features, J’ver turned to the pot as S’kef wandered off.

Carefully he peeked inside and immediately frowned. That looked like an egg. Given all the fuss around the weyr over the last several months and how many creatures were fluttering about, J’ver knew it was a firelizard egg. He had yet to fully form a point of view on them given their history with the things and how flitters were the cause for the current living conditions. He had been as cautious as every other rider that had enough brainpower to keep away for at least a sevenday to see if they lost any dragons from the contact. When that hadn’t happened, J’ver slowly allowed Rilaleeyth to return to her usual interactions and he even attempted to get closer to them as well. Firelizards were annoying but he could see the benefit in those that were well-trained. Some could deliver items or letters and J’ver knew some liked to be pests by sharing images of everything they had seen that day.

Wait a minute. An idea sprang to him as he stared at the egg a little longer. He could train one up to spy for him. His flitter could report back what it had seen and help J’ver catch people in acts they knew they shouldn’t be committing and then blackmail them. D’ren may have caught him doing that in the past and S’kef may have beat him within an inch of his life for ruining everything they had, but things had changed since then and J’ver was far more cautious than he had been. Besides, he had a feeling it would be hard to blame a firelizard for sharing information they weren’t supposed to see and they would be a nice scapegoat. They’d also be good look outs.

A gift he wasn’t so sure about two minutes prior now seemed like one of the best gifts he could ever receive. A pleased smirk crossed his lips as J’ver stood and took a glass of wine from S’kef. He didn’t drink regularly and only had a little when he did but tonight deserved the glass of what he knew would be high quality. “I am surprisingly rather pleased with it. I think the pros outweigh the cons of those things and it could be rather useful. Rilaleeyth will love it no doubt as well.” His green was ridiculously friendly and would dote on the firelizard, he had no doubt of that.

“Thank you,” he lifted his glass to clink it against S’kef’s in a silent toast to their good fortune but mostly to the fact that it was his birthday and took a sip. Indeed, the excellent wine had been brought out. S’kef knew how to spoil him so thoroughly!

Re: How Fitting [J'ver] - S'kef - 29.Jan.13

S'kef had weighed the pros and cons of a fire lizard closely himself. Like many others, he'd been wary of them at first, but he vividly recalled their usefulness back in the old days. His wingleader at Telgar, who he so revered, used a blue fire lizard to spy on troublemakers in the wing. It seemed like every few days S'kef was dolling out punishment to some idiot based on the testimony of a little fire lizard. They were potent spies, and S'kef couldn't imagine anyone who would use one better than J'ver.

He was pleased to see that J'ver had come to the same conclusion. He smiled, clinking his glass to his mate's, and nodded. "I'm glad you like it," he said before taking a sip. Delicious.

"I spent a long time locating that one for you," he said, nodding towards the pot. "It's the largest I could find. I fancy it contains a bronze." Or a queen, but he didn't want to make such an assumption and be wrong. The possibility was on the tip of his tongue, though, and he grinned knowingly in silent acknowledgement. "I think you'll look quite fetching with it by your side," he said, sliding one hand up the front of the greenrider's chest and resting it on his shoulder. S'kef squeezed and took a step closer, pressing his own body up against J'ver's and putting his mouth beside his ear.

"Not to mention a fine tool for our arsenal," he reminded the greenrider. He finished off his wine in one long gulp and set the glass down on a nearby table, freeing both arms to snake around the greenrider's slender body. S'kef squeezed him tightly, hands wandering inappropriately and without shame. "And a fine badge of honor for my sweet greenrider to wear." Another squeeze for emphasis.

Things had gone so very well. Sometimes it was hard to believe they'd actually made it this far, and after so many turns of struggle. They had done it together, both useless without the other, though S'kef thoroughly enjoyed his dominant position in the relationship...and now the Weyr. He loved feeling useful again and having his opinion matter. He wasn't born to be some wretched follower.

"So, J'ver...What's the word around the Weyr? Have your sharp ears overheard anything interesting that's being said about us?"

Re: How Fitting [J'ver] - J'ver - 10.Feb.13

J’ver knew S’kef would in fact spend a lot of time in hunting down the perfect egg. He could be rather impatient but the brownrider still knew how to wait, observe, and strike at the right moment and that carried over to everything he did. Grabbing the first egg he found wouldn’t do; there was too big of a risk that it would be a dud or have some sort of blemish to it. Everything had to be weighed and measured before the selection was made. They hadn’t advanced as far as they had in life by simply reacting on impulse alone or taking the nearest thing because they were bored and wanted the next big thing right away.

They could be eager but they could also be patient when it suited them best.

“I make everything look quite fetching. I could even make the dull fashions the so-called tailors create look amazing,” J’ver had confidence aplenty in his everyday life. The only time it ever faltered was when he screwed up in their plans and caused them to take a step backwards or a sidestep out of the line of fire. Typically, however, there simply wasn’t a reason to doubt himself. His ability to carry off a firelizard on his shoulder without looking like an awkward fool would only be enhanced when the creature turned out to be a regal bronze or even a gold. A greenrider with a shiny pet would surely ruffle a few feathers and that made J’ver all the more interested in the thing.

“The word around the Weyr is the same as always. Most don’t trust us but really aren’t worth too much concern. Nothing condemning, at least not anything new. They do still enjoy whispering about your dismissal and figuring out the exact reasoning as much as they like whispering about why you’re now in power.” It wasn’t anything to worry about and J’ver only mentioned it again because there wasn’t much else to say. Since S’kef took a hold on power once again and punishments for any sort of misbehaving increased and a price was put on D’ren’s attacker’s head, most seemed to hold their tongue, even when they thought they were alone with a trusted friend. It was refreshing but a bit sad as well. J’ver loved collecting the latest news and there simply wasn’t any to be had in recent days. It could be seen as a positive but for the most part J’ver was taking cautious steps as well. Nothing was ever truly perfect when it came to control and power.

J’ver placed a hand to S’kef’s chest, letting it linger in a soft touch for several moments before turning and crouching before his egg. The drink was set aside so he could busy himself with rotating the jar this way and that, trying to decide on the best positioning for the thing. He’d likely have to turn it about every few hours or perhaps at every meal to make it easier to keep track of in order to keep a steady warmth over the surface. Do you think the little creature will like us? Rilaleeyth’s soft voice brushed against his mind and J’ver smiled at her innocent curiosity. Without a doubt, my sweet girl. How could anyone or anything dislike you?

Re: How Fitting [J'ver] - S'kef - 13.Feb.13

"Of course you do," S'kef commented with smooth confidence. His J'ver always looked fetching. S'kef never cared much about fashion and was generally content to let his greenrider direct him or to simply wear leathers. Appearances mattered more these days, though. S'kef had been careful to dress appropriately and still make sure to include his beloved J'ver's creations in his wardrobe. How could he deny such generous gifts?

He nodding in passing at the news, but found none of it worth commenting on. That was about what he expected, but much like J'ver, he was almost disappointed. Shouldn't more people be fighting? Shouldn't there be some more opposition? Surely they weren't all this easily frightened!

"This is almost too easy," he said, partway between amused and wary. The paranoid side of him was waiting on the other shoe to drop. The arrogant side of him was pleased with himself fro whipping this pitiful place into shape. "The last incident I'm aware of was that little fiasco with A'liran at D'ren's hut." The candidate wasn't worth mentioning and Z'ia was, well, harmless. A'liran was the true troublemaker of the bunch, though S'kef had kept a keen eye on Nejerc ever since. Hopefully the younger man had learned his lesson. S'kef liked to think he'd broken a bad habit before it formed, but he knew better than to write off anyone.

"Haven't heard another peep out of that greenrider," he added with a bit of sadistic amusement. He knelt on the floor behind J'ver, placing his glass aside and putting both hands on J'ver's shoulders. "I would have loved to put him in his place in front of you, love. It would have been an excellent mood-setter, don't you think? He screamed like woman." He laughed cruelly, then brushed his lips across J'ver's ear. His implied pleasure came not at the thought of A'liran, but at the thought of the pain he'd caused and the smile it would have put on J'ver's face. A'liran...such a disgusting whore. He needed to learn his place, unlike precious, sweet J'ver...